Feb 17, 2017

A $100,000 Message From Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Robert De Niro To American Journalists & Scientists (Blogger: Det her er ekstremt vigtigt (Set med mine øjne).. Sundhedsstyrelsen er den øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark. Med i hånden har de Statens Serum Institut (SSI)", en dansk ejet vaccinefabrik, som har gjort noget blændende smart!!.. Først delsalg af SSI Diagnostica Hillerød, til den svenske kapitalfond Adelis Equity, 250 mio.kr. direkte i statskassen. Dernæst, selve vaccineproduktionen, som blev solgt til den saudiarabiske familiedynasti, Aljomaih for 15 millioner kroner ( Det saudiske diktatoriske regime er kendt for donationer til Det Muslimske Broderskab -- arabisk: Al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn, الإخوان المسلمون). Dermed kan Sundhedsstyrelsen gøres skadefri for alle de dødbringende vacciner til børn og voksne, tidligere fremstillet i Danmark, til danskere og eksporterede som en vare, til resten af verden. Med salget, kan de med ro i sindet, konstatere, at Danmark ikke længere kan knyttes til fremstilling af bl.a. vacciner med 'kviksølv', et neurotoksin eller 'aluminium'. Sundhedsstyrelsen har handlet i god tro og kan fortsætte Deres børnevaccinationsprogram med HPV-vaccinen.. Noget som både Donald Trumps nye dekret, ansættelsen af Robert F. Kennedy Jr., samt Robert De Niro's nye bandlyste film (vaxxed), vil sætte en stopper for.. Noget andet som også er bemærkelsesværdig, husk det er intet som ikke bliver opsnappet af min fine næse, er, at den kontroversielle hjerneforsker Milena Penkowa, igen er kommet i modvind, efter hun er begyndt at tilbyde behandling til piger og kvinder, der oplever, at de har fået bivirkninger efter HPV-vaccinen. Vil ikke gøre mig klog på Milena Penkowas talent eller bedragerisager, men vi har set før, at flere anerkendte læger er blevet bandlyst i sundhedsvæsenet, for at hjælpe andre mennesker fra at bliver dødsyge fra vaccinationer.. Vil rekommendere, i følger Mette Kenfeltpå Facebook, som kæmper en indædt kamp med at få hendes bivirkningsramte datter, Simone i bedring.. HPV-vaccinen er som russisk roulette, sandsynligheden for, du bliver syg nu eller senere i livet, er meget stor, men tro mig, Sundhedsstyrelsen vil også kæmpe til sidste krampetrækninger, fordi HPV findes i både børnevaccinationer og 12-års m.fl. Det er lægernes og sundhedsstyrelsens livsnerve og største indtjening..)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of the World Mercury Project (WMP), announced a $100,000 challenge today aimed at putting an end to including mercury, a neurotoxin that is 100 times more poisonous than lead, in vaccines administered in the U.S and globally.

It’s offered to anybody, including journalists and scientists, who can provide a study showing that it is safe to inject mercury into babies. This will be difficult, as hundreds of studies (that were also present at the press conference in print form) suggest that it isn’t safe at all, and can significantly increase the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders.

Robert De Niro and numerous other people support the World Mercury Project, many of which made a historical appearance at the National Press Club today bringing attention to an issue that more people are becoming aware of every single year. For nearly 100 years, appropriate safety assessments (toxicity studies) have not been conducted for the administration of vaccines containing mercury as an adjuvant, yet we continue to give them to the general public. Government health authorities have been putting mercury (and aluminum) in vaccines based solely on the assumption that it is safe to do so.

You can view the full press conference on the World Mercury Project Facebook Page.

Since vaccines have been perceived as non-toxic substances for decades, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not attempted to prove the safety of this particular vaccine ingredient. Considering billions of dollars have been paid to families of children injured by vaccinations, it’s fair to say that this is an alarming state of affairs, so it’s about time that this press conference was held. (source)

Here is a quote from Dr. Jose G. Dores, a professor at the University of Brasilia’s Department of Nutritional Sciences who recently published a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In the study, he offers the following observation: “Despite their long use as active agents of medicines and fungicides, the safety levels of these substances have never been determined, either for animals or for adult humans—much less for fetuses, newborns, infants, and children.” (source)

fairly recent Meta-Analysis published in the Journal Bio Med Research International found that:

“The studies upon which the CDC relies and over which it exerted some level of control report that there is no increased risk of autism from exposure to organic Hg in vaccines, and some of these studies even reported that exposure to Thimerosal appeared to decrease the risk of autism. These six studies are in sharp contrast to research conducted by independent researchers over the past 75+ years that have consistently found Thimerosal to be harmful. As mentioned in the Introduction section, many studies conducted by independent investigators have found Thimerosal to be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. Considering that there are many studies conducted by independent researchers which show a relationship between Thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders, the results of the six studies examined in this review, particularly those showing the protective effects of Thimerosal, should bring into question the validity of the methodology used in the studies.” (source)

Not only was the science (all from PubMed) present at the conference, facts about scientific fraud and industry influence were also brought up.

For example, Dr. William Thompson, a longtime senior CDC scientist, published some of the most commonly cited pro-vaccine studies, which showed that there was absolutely no link between the MMR vaccine and autism (Thompson, et al. 2007, Price, et al. 2010, Destefano, et al. 2004). However, Dr. Thompson recently admitted that it was “the lowest point” in his career when he “went along with that paper.” He went on to say that he and the other authors “didn’t report significant findings” and that he is “completely ashamed” of what he did. He was “complicit and went along with this,” and regrets that he has “been a part of the problem.” (source)(source)(source)

A study with revised information and no data omitted was published by Dr. Brian Hooker (a contact of Dr. Thompson) in the peer reviewed journal Translational Neurodegeneration, and it found a 340% increased risk of autism in African American boys receiving the Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. The study has since been retracted around the same time of this controversy.

You can read the full study HERE; although, unsurprisingly, it has since been retracted.

Thompson’s attorneys, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Bryan Smith of Morgan & Morgan, also released a statement from Dr. Thompson, which mentioned Hooker: “I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent.” (source)

He had to invoke whistleblower protection and turned extensive agency files over to Congress. He said that for the past decade, his superiors have pressured him and his fellow scientists to lie and manipulate data to conceal a causal link between vaccines and brain injuries, including autism.

In addition to these, there are countless other concerns involving vaccines, which is precisely why more and more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children.

For a more in-depth look into this topic, you can read this heavily sourced article we published about it, but keep in mind that more information is always coming to light, even since we published this one:

The Top 6 Reasons Why More and More Parents Are Choosing Not To Vaccinate Their Children
The World Mercury Project $100,000 Challenge & The Livestream

The World Mercury Project’s mission is to raise public awareness of the sources and dangers of mercury, help treat those who have been personally affected by mercury exposure, and to push for safe and responsible removal of mercury in all consumer products and industrial processes.

You can view the full press conference on the World Mercury Project Facebook Page.

“On the occasion of our announcement of the World Mercury Project’s $100K challenge, we want to address America’s reporters, journalists, columnists, editors, network anchors, on-air doctors and news division producers….

Despite the cascade of recent science confirming that thimerosal is a potent neurotoxin that damages children’s brains, the American media has fiercely defended the orthodoxy that mercury-based vaccines are safe. We believe that even a meagre effort at homework will expose that contention as unsupported by science. In just the past month, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) review confirmed thimerosal’s profound neurotoxicity and a Yale University study connected vaccines to neurological illnesses including OCD, anorexia and tics…

Journalists, we have discovered—even science and health journalists—don’t always read the science! On the vaccine issues, many of them have let government and industry officials tell them what the science supposedly says. Instead of questioning, digging and investigating, journalists, too often, have taken the easy course of repeating the safety assurances of the pharmaceutical industry and the regulators at CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, which they have good reason to doubt.”

As you can see, there are many issues to create awareness about, and the fact that mainstream media continues to ignore this type of thing is a big concern, and means we should probably be paying even more attention to it.

“It’s our hope that this challenge will elevate this important debate beyond name-calling and prompt a genuine examination of the relevant science. The American public is entitled to an honest, probing and vigorous discussion about this critical public health issue – a debate based on facts, not rooted in fear, or on blind faith in regulators and the pharmaceutical industry,” wrote Kennedy in a letter addressed to America’s reporters, journalists, columnists, editors, network anchors, on-air doctors and news division producers that was handed out at the press conference.

