Sep 28, 2016

Dr. Greer in Laughlin NV & via Webinar - November 12, 2016

Dr. Greer via Webinar or in person

This is your chance to see Dr. Greer for a live webinar or in person at the conference.  Right now, this is the only webinar or appearance Dr. Greer has scheduled before the end of the year.
November 12, 2016 - 2 pm - 4 pm pacific time

Click here for the webinar.

"Contact & Higher States of Consciousness"

- Why Consciousness is the key to universal Contact and communication with Interstellar Civilizations and how your own mind is the key to discovery;

- How the experience of Cosmic Consciousness and other higher states of consciousness will provide the foundation for peace on Earth and Universal Peace;

- Outline the higher states of Consciousness, how they evolve and how eventually Celestial perception and other innate powers like remote viewing unfold and Consciousness develops;

- How ET Civilizations utilize Consciousness Assisted Technologies and Technology Assisted Consciousness to interact with humans, earth and one another, and how YOU can become an Ambassador from Earth to those civilizations;

- Dr. Greer will share photos and videos from CE-5 expeditions where teams have made contact;

- Why it is essential for a critical mass of many of us to become Spirit warriors to effect change and overcome the current suppression of ET contact, free energy technologies and create a new Universal Peaceful Civilization on Earth in our lifetime!

- Plus find out the latest about the "Unacknowledged" film!

The 2016 Laughlin UFO Symposium features your favorite headline speakers plus breakout national and international speakers, all experts in the fields of UFOlogy, metaphysics, art, music and consciousness. Click here for conference details.