Transition Facts
There will not be a US Presidential election or any November election as you have come to experience it per GESARA. New candidates and a new voting system will be introduced shortly in conjunction with the RV.
Hillary Clinton has long been deceased as as her husband Bill, both were cloned beneath Camp David as multiple temporary humanoid replicas complete with a ream of handlers. Both are now severe failing health because all their replacements have been destroyed as well as the Camp David cloning facility. Thus Hillary(it) is the equivalent of a disposable contact needing to be changed out, yet none are now available, so her cabal handlers make do but are terrified she'll collapse and/or breakdown in a public forum providing the world with irreversible digital evidence their mass media consortium cannot spin.
Donald Trump is a cabal double agent who has sold out his bloodline for future business opportunities that expand his media and real estate family brand globally. And as GESARA gets positioned for release prior to November election, Trump knows full well no cabal blood can be President so he's soaking up as much camera time as possible. Post RV Trump will profit through currency exchange and Chinese and Russian business favors (real estate projects) like every other entrepreneur. He is not a great American wearing bad hats. He is not a righteous soul championing the restored Republic. He is an arrogant reality TV celebrity playing a temporary part for his own benefit and remain professionally relevant.
You have been blatantly lied to your entire life about your human origin, genetics, education, food production, science, medicine, lifespan, media, sports, physics, technology, energy, history, money, finance, banking, government, law, entertainment, geography, human ethereal capacity, war, poverty, hunger, politics and religion. This is why such a massive "cabal" effort is necessary--as to hide the greater lie of millennial human enslavement by destructive alien species' not native to this planet or the human race gene pool. RH negative blood is proof of this statement.
The RV is a small element of what GESARA will ultimately introduce and expose to humanity-this is what is meant by "The Event" or "Disclosure". which is the vibrational liberation of your planet and an end to human enslavement via a cocktail of benevolent species, ascended masters, heavenly angels and the Creator Son Yashua.
There is no such thing as money. Usury is purely an alien concept created solely to keep humanity enslaved through fear and scarcity. You've just known nothing else in your lifetime. GESARA and the GCR actually begins the elimination of money, it doesn't suddenly make the world's masses infinitely wealthy with a lie designed to enslave it.
Several much older, higher vibrating beings that are also classified as non-human live both above and below the surface of the earth, and have since planetary creation. Many will begin to reveal their presence now to mass populations versus just government and military leaders. They feel humanity is now Vibrationally ready to meet their neighbors in the universe.
In Palestine over 2,000 years ago, there was once a planetary Savior born into form that both rescued and created the earth. His name was not Jesus. He was not Caucasian or Anglo Saxon. He was given the earthly name Yashua by His benevolent protectors (3 wise men) and His life is very different and much more significant than you've ever been told. Your religions have intentionally been constructed to hide His truth from humanity never promote it. Yashua's truth will now soon be shared with humanity.
If anyone reading this denies the truth of their organic human history and universal standing as it truly occurred, you will stop vibrating on this dimensional plane and cease human form existence. It is not death per se as death is also a concept created by the alien cabal to keep you vibrationally enslaved. Rather, it simply is a change of form and simple return to Source Energy. Only an open acceptance to a radically new existence conceptually as well as a sincere historical review of your past will allow your eternal truth (soul) to continue with its current temporary human form.
Acknowledging truth or embracing non-truth is 100% your choice by universal decree. You are free to make any decision that you feel serves your sacred covenant with the Creator Father.
All is well.
Thanks to ascensionwithearth