Mar 4, 2016

Must-See: David Icke's Response To David Cameron On EU Conspiracy (Thank You Mr. Cameron, for showing that we are having an affect......) - March 4, 2016 CET

David Cameron: France's Brexit warning is not a 'David Icke-style conspiracy' to keep Britain in EU

David Cameron announces £17 million to help France move refugees in joint press conference with the French president...........

Update: David Icke bites back at “snake oil salesman” Cameron’s denial of Brexit conspiracy (VIDEOS)

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder og tidligere professionel fodboldspiller. Han fremmer konspirationsteorier om den globale politik og har skrevet udførligt om dem. Han har lige optrådt på Wembley Arena, skulle efter signede have været et fantastisk 10 timers show.

Published on Mar 3, 2016
Desperate David Cameron denies there is a 'David Icke-style conspiracy to keep Britain in the EU - Here is David's Response