Mar 4, 2016
#MAKEDONALDDRUMPFAGAIN (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO)
FKTV.IS - Alexandra Bruce - March 3, 2016
I'll admit it. I've been experiencing the protest vote syndrome that I'll call "Trumpmania".
This John Oliver piece has completely unraveled it for me, even though I sincerely don't think that anyone else currently running for President is any better-suited for the job.
We are truly up the creek, "folks" (to use an Obama-ism). I can only take some sort of cynical comfort in what has become increasingly manifest, with each ensuing US Presidency: that it doesn't actually matter who becomes President. Recent US Presidents have proven that there is actually no such thing as the POTUS, anymore. (One wonders if there were ever such a thing).
Whichever criminal factions of the Deep State, who happen to have the upper hand at any given time are the ones who really call the shots.
Like pretty much everyone else, I am at the point of despising pretty much any and all politicians. So, despite having frequently witnessed Trump (and the thing that died on top of his head), for years out on the town late at night, when I was directing music videos and the scene was my office - there he was, overconfidently trolling for chicken like a horse's ass, pre-Marla Maples (or during - I'm not sure). Having lived almost my entire adult life in the same city where this blowhard always got way too much press - I was shocked to have found myself actually growing to like him.
THAT's how rotten and disgusting everybody else in this government business is!
Unlike them, his disjointed, politically-incorrect and often humorous outbursts really did sound like he was telling the truth - certainly, as compared to the patently fake, robotoid bloviations of his Republican and Democrat counterparts.
But what else to expect from this raw human id with legs, who has all the money in the world to get a decent toupee (or to accept his baldness, like a man) - and he can't even get that sorted? If this guy can't manage his own hair, with a budget like that, what the Hell is he going to do to the planet, let alone the country?
'Nuff said. I'll let John Oliver and his excellent team of writers break down the "truthiness" of Trump - or should I say "Drumpf"?