Oct 23, 2014

Stephen Bassett E.T. Disclosure Conference 2014 - Oct 22, 2014

.... en stærk erklæring fra Stephen Basset i slutningen af hele foredraget er: 
Internet er en grundlæggende faktor for, at regeringen fortiger med ALT også omkring Deres teknologier, fordi de kan ikke vinde noget argument, de ved, alt vil bliver brugt imod dem og det involvere, afsløringen og eksistensen af E.T......

...." Do You wanna know, how america got to be the greatest nation in the world, most powerful economy in the 1950'ish?...to a nation way out the door, with collapsing infrastructure, mass corruption og $7 Trillion in debt and $200 billions in uncounted abilities....? You look at those kind of actions and THAT'S expactly the result You get, when You follow these policies........."    


Se hele foredraget 1-3 dele, 20 minutter her 

Offentliggjort den 14/10/2014

Stephen Basset who organised the citizen hearing on disclosure talks about the truth embargo and more. please visit www.citizenhearing.org for more information.
