Oct 23, 2014

Meddelelser fra Lysarbejdere, Galatiske venner og Opstegne Mestre - 23. Oktober 2014 CET

For at forstå sammenhængen, og føler du dig inspireret, læs alle artiklerne igennem, i stedet for min lemfældige opsummering og uddrag. Der er simpelthen ikke tid til, at oversætte i det enorme tempo som vi får meddelelser fra alle vores Opstegne mestre, vores skaber og den galaktiske familie inden den store begivenhed finder sted. 
1. Kuthumi
2. El Morya
3. Archangel Gabriel

cosmicgaia.com samt GoldenAgeOgGaia.com er gode opsamlingssteder for ugentlige kanaliseringer og budskaber. Meet The Master's of The Council of Light

El Morya tager fat om et emne som er svært for mange, dom af andre og dom over sig selv. Når vi dømmer hårdt, dømmer vi også vores skabere. Kritisk som ikke er positivt forankret, good will, dårlig karakter, der skaber mere skade end gavn, især når vi konstant kritisere og dømmer vores elskede familie og børn og dem som er nær os. Når vi kritisere og dømmer andre, er vi måske ikke selv klar over, vi er ikke i stand til at kontrollere hvordan modparten reagere eller respondere på de ord du sætter i spil, men du er ansvarlig for hvordan du selv demonstrere det  .. Spirituelle mennesker søger tit mod Deres ligmænd og religiøse steder , for netop at undgå at blive dømt for hårdt... Alle gode aspekter har også en modsætning, vi vælger selv hvilken vi vil fremstå i os selv. Det er kendsgerning, du får mere respekt og gengæld venlighed, når du vælger at udvise dig selv og andre med ægte venlighed....     

Kuthumi: A Time Of Great Release Before 2015

Kanaliseret af  Lynette Leckie-Clark 10-10-2014 
© 2014 kuthumischool

I Kuthumi reach out to you once more as I witness your challenging times on Earth.

All is in renewal – but who is listening?

Those ones who have incarnated to provide strength through the Light are standing tall, for indeed the energy of the Light sustains them, this enables these souls to continue to work on an energetic level for the good of all.

It does not matter that some of you cannot see or feel the Light energy. Your soul can and does. I tell you it is your soul which propels you forward, to a higher truth than which you see or hear physically. Your soul feels the Light and seeks to bring it to your consciousness. Seeks to awaken you from your slumber of forgetfulness – soul forgetfulness. So you see those souls who come to spread the Light honor you through the awakening process.

Many times I have urged Light workers to unite. I say to you now it is imperative to do so. The Earth and mankind stand on a fine line of Light and darkness. Yes it is encouraging that more souls have awakened, but I call each of you to act and act quickly. Understand and use the true and powerful Light energy. Join together. It is the Light which will take mankind and Earth forward to higher peaceful realms.

I know many of you seek this and desire it. This year has been somewhat of a testing time for many of you. Each has been through a clearing of various experiences long held on to. Sometimes for life times. It has brought you to a time of review in your lives, and for some an understanding of what or who must be released, left behind for your own greater good......(fortsættes)

Ascended Master, El Morya: The Greatness of Kindness 

Kanaliseret af Lightworkers 23 - 28-10-2014 
© 2014 Lightworkers

Archangel Gabriel :The Quality of Love Known as Transmutation

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff  23-10-2014
© 2014 The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as transmutation. 

This quality of love within a person comes into effect after great struggle within the depths of their soul to understand who they really are and what they truly stand for. 

Transmutation begins when one awakens to one’s spiritual essence and discovers the spiritual path. Along the way, the individual who was identified with their outer persona through the body, emotions, and mind gradually becomes identified with their soul, their inner spiritual being.  

They begin to understand that they are embodied in the physical in order to gain awareness of their spiritual origins through their material plane experiences. These material experiences are transmuted into spiritual energies such as wisdom, love, compassion, and higher purpose. A mysterious spiritual alchemy occurs by means of which the human soul becomes vaguely aware of its higher counterpart, the higher Self.  When this awareness reaches a kindling point, awakening occurs.......(fortsættes)