May 2, 2024

🏳️‍🌈🎭🦹 (Ye cannot serve God and mammon - 'Guzzi-Helle') Dagens Dagmar Delight: Hvad er det, der stinker? 33 billeder af kendisserne, som mødte op for at forgude, deres feministiske Drag-Queen idol og hendes transgender børn ~ 2. Maj 2024 ~ |

1. Maj 2024 hvor Mette har tabt sin historiske styrke som Helle i 2014. Husk lige på, at 1. maj-tale i folkeparken Kløften i Haderslev med Mæætte var et "S-godkendt arrangement." Dvs., alle deltagere var clearet af og inviteret (sagde de på TV 2 FNYS NEWS)... 

Editor's Note: (Reblog 3. juni 2023) Dagens største hjerneblødning var, da en deform Ditte 'OK'Man[D], Leonora Christina Skov med Horus 'Øje, som er all-seeing og all-knowing og YouTuber og influencer Rasmus Kolbe med dødningehoveder, mødte op og skulle Heile til Deres overgudinde og frimurer, superheltinde, Harley Helle Quinn og Poison Ivy and Birds of Prey. 

Søren Bostrøm, der gav os alle de dødelige KillSh0ts og med direkte skadelige Mund-bleer og hjernevask og galskab, var der også sammen med Instagramfænomen Anders Hemmingsen, øjeblinkende, med egne testikler i creme. 

En Kiwi farvet Freemason, Anna Thygesen, der solgte corona lyntest på terrassen i 2020, og tvang det ned i svælget på sin 17-årige søn. Selv en muslimsk kvinde og debattør Natasha Al-Hariri, som sikkert ved, at Dansk Flygtningehjælp, ligesom Red Barnet og andre, er en større del af transport af flygtninge og migranter smugling eller sex trafficking af børn og kvinder. 

Alle kendisser var der. Også vores forblændet bling-bling eks finansminister Bjarne 'Cory-DON'(G) samt alle de hjernevasket unge, som ikke ved, hvem Guzzi-Helle præsenterer, af de øverste frimurer hierarkier... |

SoTW - Denmark’s First Female Prime Minister Joins AUW as a Patron

SoTW - Kendte hylder Helle
Se alle billederne: Kendte gæster dukker op på Helle Thorning-Schmidts store aften


Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos
Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos
Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos
Anna Aagaard Jensen stol - Google Search

Helle Thorning-Schmidt wore rainbow sleeves to meet Fifa president (
Neil Kinnock is proud as grandson comes out as transgender | News | The Times

Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos
Video: Racist Anti-Masker Blocks Woman, Daughter in Parking Lot (

Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos

Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorninschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos

Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos
Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos

Helle Thorning-Schmidt (@hellethorningschmidt) • Instagram photos and videos
⚖️Wife to Lord Kinnock son, Stephen Kinnock, accused of tax evasion in Denmark in 2010... 

❌Danish x-leading largest lockout of 69,000 teachers in Danish history, x-leading DONG/GoLDMaN SLaCKS sale, x-PM, x-CEO NGO Save the Children, x-Vestas' Board of Directors and Mrs Helle Thorning-Schmidt, should have been In charge of UN to chase tax evaders (thank god she didn't manage to pull that off) ... 

🤐Present in charge of Facebook Oversight Board earning millions of funny money (of political censorship and posible awareness of voter fraud in USA), and now, front-runner to lead conference on Europe’s future... 

📰A danish tabloid newspaper, Ekstra Bladet, has already revealed that the former prime minister holds board positions in two tax shelters in Jersey. And she even has a stake in one of the companies, together with former CEO of OW bunker, who has been investigated for fraud...  

🏴‍☠️From what SoTW have heard, from sources, but cannot be confirmed, is, that our beloved / hated former PM of denmark, was informed by PET, (Danish Security and Intelligence Service, or DSIS) that a False Flag would happen, February 2015 terror attack in order to protect and serve the Jewish Chabad of Denmark and Rothschild order... 

🐣DID YOU KNOW, that former Helle Thorning has been investigated by a danish lawyer, Klaus Ewald, and Italian Admiral, Enrico Credendino, Commander of the EU Anti-Migration Operation Sophia, and reported Helle Thorning's former organization, Save The Children, to the police, believes that the former PM uses collected funds for the particularly serious type of human smuggling? ( 

👯‍♀️Accusations of sexual abuses by employees, top-level men in the organisation 'Save the Children', who protect each other, and lots of resignations, have characterized the organization that former Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, is leaving" ~ 

👨‍💼China Creepy Uncle Joe Lover. Don't she know that Joe Biden is 'temp President' “Swagger-In-Chief” not "Commander-In-Chief”❓. Has she no honor❓ Who are paying her bills❓Why does these "people" serve their Evil master and not God-Source-Light - Ye cannot serve God and mammon - 'Guzzi-Helle'... |


Helle i skattely: - En giftig cocktail
Helle Thorning-Schmidt medejer i selskab med forbindelse til skattely
Skal jagte skatteunddragere for FN: Helle Thorning-Schmidt er medejer af selskab i skattely
Christian Aid, Save the Children Among Charities Caught in Sex Scandals; Pedophile Warning in Sector
Video: Clinton Foundation, Oxfam Not the Only Predator NGOs Raping Haiti
Under the guise of 'humanitarian aid', agents of UK, UN, and US sponsored NGOs traffic Haitian children for sex slaves, and pocket billions in aid relief.
Efter sexskandale: Thorning forlader en organisation i kaos
Helle Thorning-Schmidt is front-runner to lead conference on Europe’s future
Lord Kinnock son accused of tax evasion in Denmark
Bevogtning af jødiske institutioner har kostet 100 millioner

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