May 25, 2024

✡️πŸ›πŸ¦‍⬛ (Israel, a state of mind) THE GAME OF GENOCIDE ~ May 25, 2024 ~ |


Editor's Note: You know, Max Egan, might be presenting the real, the raw, and the ugly truth we're been looking for but nobody dare to say out loud. He's also rude and crude (a grumpy old man) with a swearing humor who also hate any politician (and or any Rothschild-Rockefeller-Zionist Khazarian mafia). 

Even Trump is part of the shitshow (he claims). Perhaps he's refusing to see the bigger picture? That there's a benevolent ET Earth Alliance behind Trump-The-Wildcard (+ Q-generals and QAnon patriots). 

Be aware, he's also, part of what I call for the "survival prepping cult" (gung-ho, aspiring hillbillies, doomsday preppers) like Jeff Berwick, Mike Adams, Steve Quayle & Alex Jones. I'd added some of his many memes (random pick). Anyways, here he is, from Astonishing Croatia, which I need to revisit soon (since I can't afford America)... |

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