Mar 9, 2022

πŸ€πŸš‡⛰️ ~ (Proof-of-life!?!) Underground DUMBS – March 7, 2022 (RR) ~ | Blogger: (SoTW research). What are D.U.M.Bs, which stands for Deep Underground Military Bases? Well they are whole secret cities for the "New World Order". As above, so below, Earth of secret, and these operations include a huge worldwide UFO cover up and the building and maintaining of (D.U.M.B.S). There are at least 1,400 DUMBS worldwide, 188 known DUMBS in the U.S., with 2 underground bases being built per year in the U.S. The average depth of bases are 4.25 miles underground. The BIGGEST of them, like Dulce in New Mexico, Brecon Beacons in Wales, Los Alamos in Mexico, Pine Gap in Australia, The Snowy mountains in Australia, bases are on average the size a medium SIZED CITY. Each DUMB base-costs between 17 & 26 billion $ to build, which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money & human trafficking money. Each underground base employs 1,800 to 10,000 workers. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig underground. This drill goes through rock at a tremendous rate and literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface around the edges of the tunnels. It is said that the DUMBS have been around since the end of WWII, however, it is also understood there are more ancient, deeper tunnels that exist, as well. In other words, these DUMBS have been funded by taxpayer dollars, siphoned through a “CIA Black Budget”, built, maintained, upgraded and run by the members of the Deep State. Black Budget Programs, or better known as, ‘deep black programs’, are programs that are extremely sensitive and exempt from the regular reporting protocol to Congress, according to a 1997 US Senate report. Underground DUMBS are connected worldwide. They used technology NOT available to those on the surface of Earth - such as FREE ENERGY, magnetic levitation transportation & highway systems with trains going up to 1500 MPH. Their ability to move massive cargo overseas can be done in minutes & hours. Why not many HUmans knows anything about or heard anything about DUMBS, is, because of its interaction with extra-terrestrial species and its twisted view that the people are children and cannot handle the truth... |


There’s still lots of skeptics on global DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases), tunnels & what I also called billionaire bunkers. 

There’s lots of talk about the massive underground facilities & tunnel systems in Ukraine too.

Here’s some leaked photos of massive underground systems — except these are NOT leaked, they’re online pics & also NOT from Ukraine. 

These are pics of underground systems in Manhattan, New York. Now think or imagine the ones we have NOT seen.

Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground


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