Nov 16, 2022

💸 (The FTX FALL of the CRYPTO CABAL) DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Nov 16, 2022 (SoTW; I call this kind of reports for; Rumors & Gossip Repeaters, but some of the topics and intel could be spot on - lots about FTX - not for the faint-hearted) ~ |


Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 15, 2022

(Excerpts) from Full reports:

Compiled Tues. 15 Nov. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

2022 Midterm Election
A Military Sting Operation

President Donald J. Trump Special Announcement
Tues. 15 Nov. 9pm EST.

“This is our sacred vote and we will not have it stolen.”
…Kari Lake

Veteran’s Day Special

November 13, 2022 – #4861 Music & the Spoken Word (

Judy Note: “Everyone will wake up in a different way and at a different level of sensitivity to the Truth.”

The US Space Force was said to have just completed a Sting Operation on the fraudulent 2022 Midterm Election – as they did on the 2020 Presidential Election – just have never announced it, until today. Chinese Communists, Democrats Rig 2020 Election for Biden as US Faces Martial Law | Politics | Before It’s News (

Now President Trump scheduled himself to make a special announcement at 9pm EST Tues. 15 Nov. – the 245th Anniversary of authoring of the Articles of Confederation. This first Constitution of the US was passed by Congress on Nov. 15 1777.

“Hopefully, Tues. 15 Nov. will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our country!” …Donald J. Trump

  • Merchandise Vendors were sent invitations to “support President Trump” by staging around Mar-a-Largo for the “Big Announcement on Tues. 15 Nov.”
  • The fraudulent US 2022 Midterm Election was allowed to happen so that individuals who committed Treason and Sedition in the 2020 US Presidential Election would be caught doing those crimes for a second time. The Midterm was also allowed to go forward in order to highlight sleeping Normies that Election Fraud was very real.
  • Tens of billions of US Dollars were transferred to [redacted], and then using FTX Crypto Currency, the funds were laundered back to Democrats in the US for their Midterm Election bids.
  • On the Global Currency Reset: On Fri. 11 Nov. a private banker’s US Treasury Contact informed Bank of America that Gold and Gold-backed assets’ opening day was Fri. 11 Nov. German and Yellow Dragon Bond liquidity would soon follow, with the redemption process beginning in Miami, Zurich and the Philippines early this coming week.


  • At the moment US Warships were docking at cities all over Australia. Aussie Patriots were in good hands – your Military, in conjunction with the US, was quietly preparing the stage for the public takedown phase.
  • Fri. 11 Nov. was the end of the Q Clock, where there was a transfer of Military Command as officers suddenly flew to Florida and at least three National Guard busses unloaded prisoners in front of White House in preparation for their Tribunals on Crimes Against Humanity. They were accused of being complicit in the installation of a foreign power in the US.
  • Tues. 15 Nov: President Trump to make major announcement.
  • Thurs. 17 Nov.: “I’ve waited 17 years for this next 65 hours (Mon. 14 Nov. to Thurs. 17 Nov.). I will finish what my father started. Dark to Light. Trust the Plan.” …JFK Jr.
  • Tues. 22 Nov. the anniversary of JFK’s death – will be a significant day.

Mon. 14 Nov. SGAnon: Sabotage Threat – Midterms had purpose. Trust the Plan. Nothing can stop what’s coming:  New SGAnon: Sabotage Threat – Midterms Had Purpose – Trust the Plan – Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

  • Fri. 11 Nov. the end of the Q Clock.
  • The Fri. 11 Nov. unloading of National Guard busses in front of the White House was a large scale prisoner transport so they could to face Military Tribunals for Crimes Against Humanity – some on many levels.
  • Some of those Prisoners were complicit in installation of a foreign power in the US.
  • Some of those Prisoners were also involved in forced Covid tyranny in US and Globe.
  • On Fri. 11 Nov. several officers suddenly traveled to Florida.
  • Q Drop Fri. 11 Nov. Q Transferring Military command. Military Laws of War April 24 1863 Lincoln (first in the Q movement) issued General Order 100: government of the Army.
  • Tues. 15 Nov. POTUS announcement (Trump will be airborn).
  • 1913 was the year the World fell into slavery.

Election Voter Fraud:

  • Arizona Republican Voters Describe How Ballots Were Not Counted, Ballots Were Tossed in a Box, and People Were Not Allowed in to Vote.
  • The fraudulent US 2022 Midterm Election was allowed to happen so that individuals who committed Treason and Sedition in the 2020 US Presidential Election would be caught doing those crimes for a second time. The Midterm was also allowed to go forward in order to highlight sleeping Normies that Election Fraud was very real.
  • Tens of billions of US Dollars were transferred to [redacted], and then using FTX Crypto Currency, the funds were laundered back to Democrats in the US for use in the 2022 Midterm Election.
  • The Arizona Republican Party issued a statement and is officially accusing Maricopa County of voter suppression after 25 percent of ballot tabulation machines were not working for hours on Election Day. “The Republican Party of Arizona holds Stephen Richer, Bill Gates, the Maricopa Election Department, and the other Supervisors absolutely responsible for making Arizona the laughingstock of America when it comes to fairly, efficiently, and transparently running our elections.”
  • Candidate for Arizona Governor Kari Lake Issues a Stern Warning: “If You Think You Can Steal This Election, ‘You’re Gonna Get Caught.’ We’ve got eyes. We’ve got ears, and we have lawyers all over. And our law enforcement is on top of it. Know this: This next election, if you’re caught cheating when I’m Governor, there’s not going to be a slap on the wrist. We’re going after people who stole our vote. This is our sacred vote, and we will not stand by and have it stolen.”

Global Economic Crisis:

  • Europe and the UK will fall into recession this winter. Brussels officially warns of a recession in the EU amid a decline in production in Germany. The Euro Zone is facing a gloomy winter, according to the European Commission. The Bank of England expects the UK recession to be the longest since records began in the 1920s, and says unemployment will almost double.
  • FTX Crypto Currency files for Bankruptcy: $1B vanishes from FTX
  • April 25, 2019: Biden announces his presidential campaign. 13 days later, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried ( Stanford Professor and co-founder of political fundraising organization “Mind-the-Gap), launches #FTX crypto exchange. The exchange is magically an overnight success. SBF becomes biggest donor to Biden. Election day, FTX implodes completely.  If you think this scandal is done, it goes even deeper. Gabe Bankman-Fried, brother to Sam (also a former Jane Street trader), is founder of “Guarding Against Pandemics” He was a Legislative Correspondent for the US House of Representatives and an advisor to large political donors in the Democrat party A massive, massive money laundering operation has just been broken open. Our tax dollars went to [redacted], then much of it came back via crypto straight to DEMS.
  • U.S. Attorney Announces Historic $3.36 Billion Cryptocurrency Seizure And Conviction In Connection With Silk Road Dark Web Fraud. In November 2021, Law Enforcement Seized Over 50,676 Bitcoin Hidden in Devices in Defendant JAMES ZHONG’s Home; ZHONG Has Now Pled Guilty to Unlawfully Obtaining that Bitcoin From the Silk Road Dark Web in 2012.

2022 Election Fraud:

  • Heard at an Arizona Election area: “If you put it in here (slot 3) it’ll be counted tonight” – unless we mix it in with ballots already counted – then it will never be counted. This is just ONE of the ways Dems cheating in Arizona.
  • Military Finds Evidence of Election Fraud Amid Fizzled Red Wave | Real Raw News
  • So in Maricopa County they’re at it again. Voting Machines in large numbers didn’t work, but only in Republican districts. People were forced to wait for hours, then got exhausted or had other things to do and left the voting lines by the thousands. Even Kari Lake was taken to a Liberal Democrat district in order to vote. Others weren’t so lucky. This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes. They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!” …President Trump
  • “Now they’re finding all sorts of Ballots in Clark County, Nevada. They are pulling out all stops to steal the Election from Adam Laxalt. Mitch McConnell, the Republicans Broken Down Senate Leader, does nothing about this. He’s too busy spending vast amounts of money on bad Senator Lisa M of Alaska, when Kelly S is FAR better. Should have fought and stopped the steal in 2020. Gave Dems 4 Trillion Dollars, never used Debt Ceiling. He is the WORST!” …President Trump
  • “Rigged Elections, Open Borders = Third World Countries. The USA is a failing Nation! …President Trump
  • “ Idiot and possibly corrupt officials have lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona. MACHINES BROKEN IN REPUBLICAN AREAS. A NEW ELECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR IMMEDIATELY!” …President Trump
  • Fraud Treason! Delaware County Pennsylvania. Camera 7: Woman filling in blank ballots and stamping them! A Uniformed Officer standing right there watching!

Durham Report

  • We are living in a time when the devil doesn’t even hide anymore and the world still can’t see him.
  • The difference between government and thieves is that thieves don’t pretend they’re helping you.

Waking up the Public:

Med Beds, Elon Musk

  • This technology feasibly can not only stop the ageing process, but even reverse it (regeneration).
  • It is simply a matter of identifying the correct gene sequence which as Musk rightly points out, acts as a kind of “computer code”.
  • Musk is also correct when he states that even areas such as TRANSFIGURATION are made technically possible through hypothetical changes in our DNA sequence (1 Corinthians 15:52).
  • Transfiguration back into the immortal and ethereal beings we once were at the creation, is the goal of both transhumanists, freemasons and alchemists; But these people are attempting it through their own efforts – without God. They are like thieves, trying to find a back door into the kingdom of Heaven using forbidden technology. (Jasher 4:18) It will end badly for them. (Revelation 9:6) This knowledge belongs to God. It does not belong to us.


  • FTX was a massive money laundering slush fund for Democrats – ALERT – Apparent self-hack in progress to DRAIN all assets
  • There’s yet more bombshell breaking news today in the crypto space. First, as we have outlined below in today’s Situation Update podcast, the takedown of FTX by Binance was a strategic blow to the “crypto cabal” run by globalists and Dems who set up FTX as a money laundering slush fund to finance Democrat election campaigns (and who knows what else).
  • Sam Bankman-Fried, the now discredited CEO of FTX (which declared bankruptcy on Friday), had funneled tens of millions of dollars to Dem candidates in the mid-term elections (including John Fetterman who narrowly “won” over Oz). As reported earlier this year, “Crypto billionaire says he could spend a record-breaking $1 billion in 2024 election.”
  • Through FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor to Democrat candidates this year, only behind George Soros in terms of total dollars donated.
  • FTX was the brainchild of not just Sam Bankman-Fried, but his circle of close associates, all of whom have ties to East Coast academia and all the deep state connections that go along with that. (We shall not report more on that right here, but you can dig and see for yourself.)
  • Binance, on the other hand, run by Chinese-Canadian CEO “CZ” (ChangPeng Zhao), was a rival of FTX that was routinely targeted by globalist media (Reuters, Forbes, etc.) in an effort to destroy Binance in an effort to make FTX the dominant player in the crypto exchange space. This would have put FTX in a position to generate a billion dollars in donations every election cycle in the USA, out-funding Republican donors by a long shot.

White Hat Intel: There will be no Nuclear War!

  • The Nuclear moment would be the collapse of the World Economy.
  • In 2011 in the Nevada Nuclear Test Sites, the U S. Air Force Intelligence leaned to dismantle a Nuclear Bomb using Satellites, frequency beams and vibration weapons connected to Particle beam weapons. This weapon changed the dynamics in the way a Nuclear Bomb starts a chain reaction, but also directly affects the Frequency of Water.
  • In 2014 classified experiments in the same locations in Nevada (the then private branch of Department of the Air force that was civilian led Military department within the Department of Defense later called USSF, or UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE) the Air-FORCE intelligence leaned to U.S. 5G Frequencies to dismantle a NUCLEAR bomb again using Satellites and direct energy weapons on board Military ground Vehicles.
  • Many of the past Solar Storms that effected the earth and electronic magnetic storms in past 7 years were connected to USSF (even before they were named SPACE FORCE and becoming a Branch of U.S. intelligence agency and controlling ALL U.S. mil.sats ) who were intentionally disarmimg WORLD NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
  • Much of this Military OPERATION was unknown to Other World leading countries who silently had their Nuclear Weapons dismantled. This effect of U.S. military sats using 5G WEAPONS even took down the CERN OPERATIONS.
  • If a NUCLEAR bomb did go off in the near future it would most likely be just a large Stockpile of  TNT Bombs with a lot of Green screen manipulation.
  • Right now we were in a Nuclear Standoff , but almost every Nuke is a Dud, and the Alliance knows this.
  • The ROTHSCHILDS just lost control of the UK and now FRANCE is slipping away from their control as the White HATS military in the France now began dropping DECLAS briefings to large percentage of Macrons Enemies who are now preparing to use the Info to unseat him and bring about changes against this regimen and military [ DS] heads that protect him.
  • The Good Elite Italian families that now control Italy are now making amends with RUSSIA and receiving oil.
  • The deaths of their families and kids and loss in trillions in two years brought about a united front to take down the Knights of Malta at the Vatican.
  • Much will happen in 2023 Fall as Italy will have DIRECT open communication and world DECLASS on the corruption of OBAMA and DNC connected to VATICAN satellites and Intel interference in the U.S. 2020 stolen elections.
  • So the Deep State could start a two trillion dollar Money Laundering System, the Department of Justice/ CIA/ Deep State Pentagon Agencies were preparing to unveil an Agenda called Bluebeam, whereby Aliens were invading the world.
  • The Deep State has lost trillions through losses in [redacted], the Blackrock/ State Street/ Vanguard/ Rothschilds bankruptcies.
  • Long ago one of the heads of NASA and CIA operative Wernher von Braun – a member of NAZI party – was brought into the U.S. through other NAZI parties that had already infiltrated the U.S. system years before (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, NASA, US Banking System).
  • Wernher von Braun had CIA TOP CLEARANCE and was heavily involved in CREATING NASA into a powerhouse of It intelligence operations for the DEEP STATE CABAL. VON BRAUNs last statements before his death was that The ALIEN INVASION card would be played to bring society under control…. This would happen after a pandemic and after the PENTAGON made Russia the enemy
  • The Khazarian mafia stranglehold on the planet earth is finally ending. Germany and Japan have joined Russia, China and England in the planetary liberation alliance. This has forced the Rothschild and Rockefeller families hiding in Zug, Switzerland to contact the White Dragon Society to negotiate a surrender.
  • However, until the United States is liberated from the Khazarian mafia, the war will continue. The key is to prevent the theft of the mid-term US elections by the KM . The US military White Hats promise to declare war on the KM if the election is stolen.
  • There were also undeclared wars raging in Brazil, Pakistan, Israel and elsewhere that will have to be settled. However, there can be no doubt planetary liberation is imminent.

The Storm Rider:

  • The U.S. Deep State Banking system was trying to buy as much gold as they could and put into ledgers and false books to falsely show that they had enough gold to start their own Digital Banking System backed by Gold.
  • The Western financial crash was happening and the escalation was becoming evident. As most ANONS, PATRIOTS Freedom Fighters knew last year had already begun the Economic COLLAPSE with MSM, Wall Street, Western governments hiding the Real economic numbers and Collapse.
  • Blackrock filed for bankruptcy, while the Rothschilds/Rockefeller Banking System collapsed.
  • The War Event was a way to gain money and hide exposure of the Pandemic, Gain of function, Bio-weapon vaccine deaths and Climate Weapons.

Benjamin Fulford Report: The Rothschilds and Rockefellers want to capitulate.

  • Last week against the background of impending defeat, representatives of the Khazar mafia in Switzerland contacted the White Dragon Society. Negotiations are ongoing and we have been asked not to divulge any details at this time. However, it can be said that an agreement has been reached to protect members of Chabad and other HMM groups not involved in crimes or violence.
  • It is also clear that the global anger against HM is such that their initial offers of monetary compensation are far from what will be demanded of them. WDS calls for a worldwide anniversary and redistribution of wealth.
  • Moreover, the representative of the European royal families makes it clear that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds should be deprived of all control over the world’s central banks.
  • However, HM not only tried to kill people with vaccines and biological weapons, they also tried to enslave them. As noted by Judge Anna von Reitz and others, they argued that people “who have received a genetic modification disguised as a vaccine will be redefined as genetically modified organisms literally under the patent of criminals executing this illegal and illegal conversion scheme.”
  • This is one of the many reasons why almost no one is in the mood to justify an attack using biological weapons and a vaccine against SARS, as several sources constantly report.
  • The noose is tightening around their necks, and they will see justice,” promises a source in MI6. “If Barclays and Glencore have to leave, they have to leave, even if it damages global markets. The stranglehold of the Rothschild dynasty is broken. Treason is treason and is punishable by the lawful lethal use of military force,” the source added. .
  • The following article is an example of why Glencore, controlled by the Rothschilds, should leave: Glencore transported money across Africa on private jets to pay bribes. (Bloomberg) — Glencore Plc officials delivered cash on private jets to officials across Africa, British prosecutors said, creating a network of bribery and corruption.
  • If you read the article, it says they will pay a fine of about $1.5 billion after pleading guilty. This is an insult to the people of Africa, who have been robbing more than $100 billion a year for decades, because their raw materials are sold for pennies to companies controlled by the Rothschilds/The Rockefellers, in exchange for several bribes to high-ranking officials. Needless to say, the bribe is usually kept in one of the Swiss banks HMM. This, of course, is happening all over the world, not just in Africa. This is the same Glencore that bribed Iranian and Israeli officials to manipulate the oil market for more than 30 years with their “Iran is about to get nuclear bombs” scheme.
  • Germany joins the Alliance to liberate the planet. The stranglehold of the Khazar mafia on planet Earth has finally ended. Germany and Japan joined Russia, China and England is in the alliance for the liberation of the planet. This forced the Rothschild families and The Rockefellers hiding in Zug, Switzerland, contact the White Society A dragon to negotiate a surrender.
  • However, until the United States gets rid of the Khazar mafia, the war will continue. The key is to prevent HMM from stealing the US midterm elections during the eclipse of the blood moon on election day on November 8. American military white hats promise to declare war on HMM if the election is stolen.
  • Undeclared wars that need to be resolved were also raging in Brazil, Pakistan, Israel and other countries. However, there can be no doubt that the liberation of the planet is imminent.
  • In Germany Donat, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse, leads Germany to independence for the first time since World War II. Donat is a descendant Queen Victoria, the German Emperor Frederick III, Italian Emperor Victor Emmanuel III., etc.
  • Last week, Donatus sent Chancellor Olaf Scholz to China to negotiate Germany’s entry into the alliance. Official Chinese and Russian state news agencies reported that he had reached an agreement.
  • According to Xinhua sources, Scholz told Chinese President Xi Jinping that “a multipolar world is needed”… Germany “rejects block confrontation” and supports “peace negotiations and building a balanced, effective and a sustainable security architecture in Europe”. In other words, Germany is ready to abolish NATO and replace it with something more comprehensive.
  • If the Russian-German deal is formalized and Russian gas returns to Europe, it will financially crush the Rockefeller speculators/The Rothschilds, who are now selling LNG to Europe at a price four times higher than Russian gas.
  • Like Germany, Japan for the first time after the Second After the World War, it became an independent country. This is reflected in the government’s decision to continue buying oil and gas in Russia, instead of being subjected to pressure from companies controlled by the Rothschilds/The Rockefellers.
  • To celebrate independence, Japan staged a large-scale show of force last week. Naval forces of the United States, England, Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, France, South Korea, etc. have made it clear which alliance dominates the waves. Despite the fact that Russia, China and Germany control the Eurasian territory, they must come to an agreement with the Japanese union to ensure freedom of navigation and world peace. According to WDS sources, such an agreement is being discussed in the interests of all parties.

Must Watch Videos:

[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

Read Full Report (Doc):

Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 14, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 12, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 11, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 10, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 9, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 8, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 7, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

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