Sep 13, 2022

šŸ’” ~ (Miscellaneous Telegram) Cabal-Controllers To The World: Do As We Say, Not As We Do ~ 13. September 2022 ~ |

Editor's Note: the KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, my blog aKa SoTW has changed. Google Blogger will be decommissioned. The Google-Gestapo deletes to many of my blogposts and has to many limitations. I'm looking for another 'free' Website Builder. I had 2 web designers swearing and bad mouth over my blog because it's confusing and complicated. Roger that - I hear you - loud and clear... ~ SoTW

Special Edition Terminator 2: Judgment Day (without 'e' - Tom Numbers) timeline collapse is coming folks. The implosion is upon us. Be prepared. You're watching a 'show' or 'movie'. Helle Thorning-Schmidt is part of the 'fakery' (woman-woke-wow-washing feminism-heroism femvertising-bravery)... | 


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