Jun 16, 2022

πŸ™ ~ πŸ’ (David Icke Summarizes Today’s Scenario in 1996) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ πŸ’• | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰David Icke lays out the entire scenario being acted out today, down to the vaccines – in 2:20 and in 1996. What a lot of abuse he had to endure for statements that have almost all proven correct (such as the existence of reptilians) ~ GAOGπŸ‘ˆ] ... πŸ€—Can you FEEEL it! There's something AMAZING in the air! Right now I AM dancing it's cause of the collective energy masses of ENOUGH is ENOUGH! I looove the movie Aloha (2015) and the "mana" (power or spiritual energy). Must be Divinely inspired! Btw, anybody knows what (KP - kpblog.space) Kauilapele is doing on Turtle Island mission?? A special mission by WH? Personally trip? Why all at the secrecy? Anyways, Phil Godlewski 2.0 has just said, Hiterly Clinton was hanged by a court at GITMO! Soon hologram Queenie-Lizzie is a goner, so is the CGI-Pope and actor CCP-Biden. Sooooo many so-called V.I.P.'s have CORONA!. Inflation, the "controlled" GREAT RESET of the economy, food shortages, housing crash and European natural-gas prices jump as Russia cuts supplies again etc. PLEASE DO NOT GET INTO FEAR! It's all about removing 1000s yrs of negative reptilian ENERGY "loosh" that the "Dark Alliance" are taken as "food energy" of every single Soul on Earth. You understand that right? And Freemasonic Jesuit Cabal has even instilled the symbolism of harvesting adrenochrome and loosh (negative spiritual energy).. The 80's and everything about it, always, always put me in a good mood. Even if I miss my American soul-mate, Jay, who died of cancer and other friends who also has left the Earth plane. We had so much fun! It was a big blow to the heart-chakra!. The 80's for me was all about, Whitney Houston concert with Crown Prince Frederik in 1988 at Valby Hall in Copenhagen, among the rich from (Herlufsholm - I'm kidding C'mon!). My first true love, Camilla. America, football, US school time, DK Business school, friends, dancing, nightlife, more girlfriends, music, movies, sports, traveling, freedom, no digital age, no tv addictions, no worries - if I could Reliving Groundhog Day over and over and over again - I would choose the (late) 80's... |

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