May 7, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (The Cycle is not quite over yet!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Why the bloody-hell are UK train fares so expensive?... (Big) event tomorrow, for spiritual truth-seekers, friends, like-minded people, at a totally sold out Charlie's tour in Birmingham, England. Darn, I could have gone, but amount of time of traveling, would have got me to Florida, plus, the cost, that would have bought me, 5 hours conference, was equal to 1 luxurious trip to south of Europe, in the sun, so I think I've do that instead. Since, DK-CC team was not eager to go either or join or prepare anything for anybody in CC and nobody ask me, personally, to join from US or UK, all my normal travel buddies has died, anyway (so sad really) and my Danish friend, refused as well. And like, I had said, NOTHING, has manifested or transpired, in the public eye of MAJOR WH events (only behind the scene). I will celebrate like there's no tomorrow, when we can see, The Global Currency Reset has begone rolling out, Russia stops the war, Joe Biden resigns, Queenie is official announced dead and we are over DS False Flags ops + Cyber Attacks + Global Catastrophes scenarios etc... Please prepare for Martial Law and release of the Emergency Broadcast System (they say? hm. really?).... Until then... Buuuut, SoTW, that will take years - well - so be it! As long as we have an actor, Uncle-in-Chief and Drama-Obama, ruling the world, i'll wait... |

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