Apr 23, 2022

👨‍💻💊🐇 ~ (Recommended for Truthers) Q and A with Kent Dunn & Mark Attwood – Apr 21, 2022 (Cosmic News) ~ | Blogger: They talk about EVERY-THIIING!... Please use your own spiritual discernment... If your a non-spiritual newbie, this video will tear you (mind) apart... PS: some of it, is to much for my own personally taste, but as Mark Attwood says; I really like Alex Collier and Kent Dunn, but I bet they're both, not 100% right about everything, nobody is... NOTE: Janine has said, that DDFO-Daisy of Denmark, was born "male" (so is Queen-Lizzie) so Kent, makes a lot of sense, when he says, that the Luciferians changes sex, all the time. It's powerful to change from a man to a woman. Or perhaps, it's all BS - your call.. |

'There's a 'Q' in every country - leader of White-Hats and militaries to bring down the CABAL. Q-Drops starts summer of 2022 when spaceships land on top of govt buildings and everything will come back online'. There's 'Q', Q+ (Trump) and Q++ (Melania). Putin himself is not 'Q' - but his advisor general is a 'Q' (Putin we see now is 4th version - his nephew. First died in 2012). Trump = 3rd version. Biden is just an actor with a mask on. JFK was a female and belonged to Cavendish family who was running the Kennedy and Carters (WHAAAT!?! says Mark).. ~ Kent

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