Apr 23, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (SoTW don't get upset easily, disappointed or angry - just being the observer!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: But again, of course, I was rather aggrieved about some of my Narcissistic Relationships to Political corruption, Favorable-freemasonic Celebs, "Adrenochrome" superblood drinking Elites or satanical & pedophilia worshiping Royals, but everyone, is acting from their vibrational point of attraction and that prospective has no place for judgement. Trauma is a Spiritual Path and the Universe do not stop anybody and God, is the paradigm of moral goodness and is source of morality itself. Let me remind you, each and every one of us, has survived dead through hundreds or perhaps, thousands upon thousands of reincarnations, unbeknownst to the masses. There is or was a soul-trap Matrix of the false light that took us right back to Earth, every time we died, created by the Lord Archons (if you believe in that). When that is gone and we are closer to Ascension and our trauma-lessons is over, we could go somewhere else, in the Universe, of our own choosing. However, there is no punishment for not falling in line. It would defeat the purpose of you being here in this incarnation as being with free will choice. Every single thought and action taken on Earth, bad or good deeds, are stored inside gigantic crystals of inner Earth. Also known as The Akashic Records, are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. You cannot escape your divine contract and Karma lessons. Karma is a precise science. It is a universal law, in the same way that gravity is a law of nature. If you jump off a skyscraper, you will very likely die, and if you harm someone, you will be hurt at some point. Science has discovered that everything in nature obeys laws. These natural laws are impartial and indiscriminate. That is, in my humble opinion, the way the cookie crumbles... |

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