Mar 16, 2022

✊❌⛑️~ (Trump-Terminator: I'll be back! 'Stop the cabal'. Trump Won! 2024 the Revenge Tour!) The second coming of Donald Trump: Can he become president again? (60 Minutes Australia) ~ | Blogger: The C O V ID 1984 Plandemic was their perfect Storm event to force A Police state on the USA, Australia, New Zealand, China, Denmark, who were the very first and worse, during the Coronacrisis, measured by lockdowns, COVID vaccination (injection with HIV, Gene-Therapy, Black Goo (GO) etc) and taken away, peoples free speech and freedom rights etc.. As you know, 60 minute, owned by CBS Corporation, (illuminati 1950 the All-Seeing Eye in corporate logos) which again, is controlled by only 6 Corporations and "the illusion of choice" by 90% of American and Global media. Fortunately, those enormous media conglomerates do not have quite the same monopoly over the Internet, but the same "controllers" who owns the MSM Media, also owns backdoors to ISP providers (DNS content filtering, web-filtering or web-blocking) also owns YouTube and all "free" Social Media" platforms (censor by AI algorithms) etc. etc. So, we're starting to see a tremendous amount of consolidation in the online world as well. Lucky, a billionaire Trump-donor may have been behind Jeff Zucker's CNN resignation and that's terrible news for Jim Acosta and others at CNN. John Malone is the majority owner of Discovery, the company that will soon run CNN. In other words, part of WarnerMedia is owned by White Hats.. That is why Trump, QAnons, Generals, White Hats, off-worlders (call them what you wish), is here, together with Elon Musk's SpaceX StarLink Network, a global internet coverage. Plus, Trump Media & Technology Group and "The Quantum"-Internet, The Quantum-Media and of course, The Quantum Financial System. The QFS is housed in the MEGA Quantum Consciousness (QC) often called a computer. This Quantum Conscious is Divine Consciousness that is being made available for us to use in this Third Dimentsion. The tools it brings are to necessary for us to usher in the Golden Age of Mankind. The QFS is a ledger accounting system made up of individual accounts (there's so much more to the story)...

(about Liam Bartlett) "This guy is a complete NUT, seriously, a complete insane person", says, American politician and former television news journalist, Kari Lake and Republican race for Arizona as Governor. "Thank you for giving me a good laugh, because, you actually makes some of the crazy reporters, like CNN, um, look almost respectable, so thank you sir, appreciate your time"... 

(SoTW) PS: Do we have to wait until 2024, hell no, Trump will be back, sooner, in a short temporary form, until Trump passed on the presidency, to the very last President or the very new Leader of the new Republic and the original Constitution (nothing to do with freemasonry or NWO)...  


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