Feb 8, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Monty Python Corona Killer Rabbit) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: In Memory of my best American soul-mate, Jay, that have passed with leukemia, back in 2006. I miss you buddy! I could just image you Jay, like the humorous guy everybody always felt for, cutting through bullshit and with a loud voice with English accent tell us "It's just a flesh wound" from Monty Python-The Black Knight. It always cracks me up, thinking about that recitation. Remembering back, we had an awesome time, really. Both went to Memory Lane Highschool, even though, Manchester, was the most boring sleeping town, we could always find fun. Meet up for the first time at a cocktail bar, I worked as dishwasher after school, you as waiter or was it a cook? Right away we had a connection, same sarcastic humor and both sports freaks (American Football). Some highlights were like .. wasting time at Dim Sun Restaurant in Derry, eating Chinese and drinking some of the best long island iced tea i have tasted.... sometimes a little bit tipsy, and driving on your bike to Hampton Beach, checking out bikini beach babes or clubs at night.... good times... Being with you Jay, was so easy, you had a unique skillset of kindness and approachability towards strangers and friends, selflessly, giving and giving all the time. Me, I was told by my former IBM-manager once, that I had bad karma, took me a while, to come over that, statement. Perhaps, I have always had the feeling, I didn't belong!. My own life hasn't been dance on roses, you had your own problems, Jay, and was to late to talk to anybody, about the cancer. So sad you ended you days in a hospital bed in Texas. We both shared dislike towards the Bush-family. I'm sure now, we both had a Divine Contract to meet and depart in the way we did. I have just immense deepest gratitude. Even if we were separated for longer times in our life's, we could pick up the chatter, like it was the day before we had talked to each other. That's what I call a soul friend and i'll never forget that feeling... |

For how long are Cabal-CCP-Corona-Corp. able pull a rabbit up of the hat?

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