Feb 22, 2022

👬 ~ 💕 (That video brought tears to my eyes - pass it along!) 2's Day at 2PM (Unify.org) 💞 ~ | Blogger: (Unify stewards and facilitates global collective intention, action, & impact to help build a world where all of humanity is unified)... REMEMBER: use all your Loving Intend sending a Message to the Universes by Declare and Decree to STOP the Cabal. Tensions between Russia on one side and Ukraine/NATO on the other side are escalating again. Goddess wants peace and peace it will be... PS: Also added TBJ latest video... |

I Declare and Decree

Lightworkers & Lightwarriors and everyone who feel so guided; Say out loud:

  • "I surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings.
  • "I now invoke of the Presence I AM that I AM":
  • I AM devoted to get rid of any attachments of anything, anyone and of any kind, and I'll will not have any worries... 
  • I AM a star being of pure light, a STARSEED/ HUMAN ANGEL with divine mastery skills to fix and love myself, unconditionally...
  • I AM first and foremost for my higher purpose, mission, openly listening to my higher self... 
  • I AM in possession to spread courage that means, I don't let fear stop me...
  • I AM confident every second, but allow myself to be vulnerable and receive help...
  • I AM full of love, compassionate loving intent...
  • I AM Unity consciousness 
  • I AM Christ consciousness 
  • I AM the Soul 
  • ~ verdensalt.dk
You don't need to be strong' and 'tough,' living in a survival mode - you can can be soft, sensitive and vulnerable. Is a strength and not a weakness.... Because we shine more and more light, we're open for attacks, but it doesn't mean, we need to give up and let go.... The greater your peace, the easier it becomes to feel the God's or Source presence...
 ~ verdensalt.dk    

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