Jan 9, 2022

πŸ§πŸ€šπŸŽ–️ ~ (One of the worst among Lord, Lady, Sir or Dame - Bush, Blair, Fogh warmongering Zionists) 'Sir' Tony Blair the human weapon of mass destruction and genocide promised George Bush The-Hanged-Man: ’I will be with you, whatever’ (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Tony Blair's knighthood is a ‘kick in the teeth' to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. 1,000,000 (one) million Britons, anti-war campaigners and people who remembers 9/11 about war-criminal Tony Blair, have signed Change.org petition set up against knighthoodMilitary mothers have also threatened to return Elizabeth Queen-Lizzie Crosses in disgust. He should NOT be honored with ostrich feathers and tudor hat and be a knight of the round table... Tony is considered the party's most successful politicians ever and saved the Queen... Well, rumor has it, the rise of the fourth Reich and most of the “Bush” family that was created to destroy America, is gone... Evil Incarnate - George HW Bush - was captured by Light Forces escorted into the Galactic Central Sun, went through a disintegration process back in 2018 (According to Cobra2012)... George W. Bush hanged at GITMO, J2022 - “Eat? Shave? What’s the fucking point?” Bush reportedly told GITMO security (acc. to Michael Baxter -January 6, 2022 realrawnews)... Upcoming military tribunals based on information we’ve received from credible sources. Dick Cheney — January 17 Former Biden Handler Mike Donilon — January 21 Former Biden Handler Anita Dunn — January 24 (acc. to Rose Rambles.org)... The two missing members from The "Committee of 300" AKA "Olympians" now call themselves "World Government Founders for the NWO", will be Tony Blair and Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen (Danish Queen-Daisy). I assume, Blair and Fogh will be hanging from a doorknob, after processing. What-to-do with Queen-Daisy also called DDFO-Daisy, is unknown... |




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