Jan 9, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Watching End-Movie; 'Received tons fear-emails & videos - not a time to freak- or get bummed out, jump ship, that's what 'deep state' wants' ~ Janine) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Verdensalt (SoTW) has meet-up with this great Native American, Rahelio Roderiguez, in Sedona, Arizona in 2017 (was to "corona"-sick in 2019) and went on a spiritual journey in the sweet lodge & special ceremony up in the red mountains.. Year of 2019 I manage to stay a weeks time at Sedona Sacred Rocks, a Metaphysical B&B with Meaghan C. Mc Cue, Energy Medicine/Horse Medicine Practitioner... I also did a looot of Mountain biking (hiking and running) and meet a german guy, that i intend to look-up, on my next trip, if USA is going to be "open" again (exception is if Biden wins and civil war will break out)... For baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours". Best and cheapest. Equipped with $5000 special forces military night vision goggles, turns night into day, besides we could hear or had warnings of rattlesnakes, javelinas, bobcats, wolves, foxes, coyotes and skunks, on the ground,in the skies, we saw at least 30-40 objects, in 1 hour time, that was NOT planes, satellites and weatherballoons. Guide had satellitetracker and the equipment to make us, believers (seen UFO's many times before). Not long from old mining town of Jerome, between or next to Cathedral Rock Sedona Vortex - a feminine energy affecting both mind and body creating a cleansing experience, generating immense masses of energy and The airport mesa vortex energy, a masculine energy strengthening the internal spirit to take charge of their own lives, and live in self-confidence. Our guide, were claiming, that our UFO friends were attracted to the crystal gem and minerals in the area etc... |

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