Oct 10, 2021

🌐 ~ 💗 (10:10, 11:11, 12:12, Solar and Lunar Eclipses) Just Hours Till 10:10 Gateway Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |

"According to Numerologist, Christine DeLorey…10 represents Results, the Next Step, a New Level. 1 represents new beginnings, a fresh start, a new cycle. 0 represents the alpha-omega, the death-rebirth cycle, and our interconnectedness with the divine! When we enter the 10:10 Gateway, we are accelerating the great awakening process for ourselves and the collective." ~ Meg



It is just hours till we reach peak intensity in the 10:10 Gateway. This Sunday, 10:10 initiates a series of ascension gateways in November and December that will shift us into higher dimensional living. 10:10 is a sacred portal of initiation, of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It will arrive in stair-step fashion. The series of plasma photonic waves lift us higher and higher as we drop density, transmute trauma and unwind matrix entanglements. It is sequential clearing of all that limits us from living fully as embodied Souls.

According to Numerologist, Christine DeLorey…10 represents Results, the Next Step, a New Level. 1 represents new beginnings, a fresh start, a new cycle. 0 represents the alpha-omega, the death-rebirth cycle, and our interconnectedness with the divine! When we enter the 10:10 Gateway, we are accelerating the great awakening process for ourselves and the collective.

The 10:10 Gateway ignites advancement into powerful upgrades of Soular Activtation. It is a full circle moment, as we let go of past attachments and integrate the wisdom of life lessons experienced. The 10:10 energies bubble in crystalline effervescent shimmering waves of new life force. Breathe deeply, inhale this sweet, vibrant, champagne light surging while the gateway is open. You are crystallizing, shimmering vibrant atoms within your cells. Infuse the new life force into your heart crystal to activate your crystalline Light Body to come alive!

The 10:10 Gateway opens the doorway to an ascending path of light. It appears like an airstrip lighting the way into these stair-step gateways of transformation – 11:11, 12:12, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, the Solstice and the Saturn-Uranus square exact on December 24th. Your Spirit Team is preparing you for a whirlwind of year-end activations.

Lovingly, Meg

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