Sep 21, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Big Pharma: If you guys understand ENERGY we DON'T have a job') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟[QI] Can this Strange Practice Help Build an Ironclad Immune System from Home?🌟] ... PS: M*E*D*B*E*D*S and Healing-centers together will Angelics and Beings of the Light Realms has come in now to assist the Collective Consciousness Fields and raise HU-manity to a new level of accelerating Planetary Liberation never seen on Mother GAIA before. SoTW was told by friends, that Mother GAIA is 48% Anchored. Which means, we only need 2% before GAIA has balanced the Divine Feminine and Masculine aspect... We are going through a very very turbulent period in terms of Planetary Vibration. Since 21st of December 2012, it has been Accentuating our Dimension more and more intensely. There are people who feel the Energy both Positively and Negatively. The sensations that these people can feel, for example, can be Nausea, Physical Discomfort, and that all the Food feels bad, Feel Heavy and with a Bad Body in general. In fact, we are preparing for an IMMINENT change of Energy on a Planetary Level, which is coming little by little, but unfortunately, not all people feel it. The Earth of the New Era, in it we will live a period of a Great Amount of Light, for the Vibration is Changing, and this for those who are up to date is Nothing New, it is said that in the New Earth Life in this Planet will no longer be a world full of Trials and Atonement like the one we are in now, and it will become a world of Regeneration.(5th Dimension). In other words, The EVENT is here an now and Nobody can Escape the Effect and You and Me, have to make a Choice - are You in or out?. I'm all in... |

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