Dec 30, 2021

πŸ™ ~ πŸ’ ('Maxwell guity one other step to the Victory of the Light achieved.' ~ SotW) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ πŸ’• | Blogger: (Verdensalt outside this Janine video) - Cobra RM, told us at one time, there's four (4) "Unholy Souls" (Head of illuminati New World Order) required to leave the Earth Plane, before major things would take place. 2018, In Brazil, Cobra told us, that George H. W. Bush (The Fourth Reich - CIA-Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi connection), was 1 out of 4 UNHOLY. We all meditated, visualizing George Bush being immediately captured by the Light Forces as he crosses the plasma plane to prevent him being "rescued" by the Archons, being escorted to the Galactic Central Sun immediately for destruction. Another one, was The black pope (Jesuits Superior General). His name is Adolfo Nicolas, died on May 20, 2021 in Tokyo, Japan ( and the second in the throne is the white Pope Francis (Kylie Pentelow, an anchor for the British network ITV said it recently he was dead + MSM declared dead by mistake in TV blunders + ongoing on all social media platforms). Last one that passed away is Queen Elizabeth II (died years ago, and it’s been covered up’, claims former royal staffer [dailysquat dot com])... Then we have Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell. They're no more. This leaves only two members (Kissinger and Cheney) and the Light Forces have now expanded their primary target list and renamed it Unholy Five. It now includes Henry Kissinger (age 98), Dick Cheney (age 80), Bill Gates (assumed dead) , Anthony Fauci (assumed processed at GITMO) and Klaus Schwab (caught red handed in Antarctica) ... πŸ€—PS: Simon Parkes latest; "The US $, that kingpin of the oil world, will officially be 'dead' tomorrow Friday for all government transactions. And will be replaced on Monday by new asset backing. This is a pivotal moment as we transition to a new system."... |

Love Teri Wade and her humor 

Yes, absolutely with no question asked!

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