Dec 27, 2021

※🔴🔺~ ('The doomed KM AKA Hyksos or Babylonians, can no longer crash currencies also say they want to kill 90% of humanity. I have it on tape.') Fulford's *PARTIAL FULL* report & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: THIS is NOT a blurb of the entire report - only a a snippet of the full report... Sorry folks! Since Dec 21st, until today, I have not have any time to report anything on SoTW or go into deep dive because it takes many hours every day. Not even time to watch the new Matrix movie, OMG!... HOW the HECK can Danish McDonalds be OPEN, if it's true, that across the globe this restaurant chain has been ORDERED closed after FBI Discovered they had been serving "human meat"??? Rumors has been out for years and years, even Tarot by Janine talked about this in several videos.. TODAY in the Danish MSM outlet, and most recently, the Rothschild magazine The Economist, located Denmark at the top of a list of the economies that has performed best during the Corona pandemic. - I WONDER WHY THAT IS!... Denmark tops Reuters COVID-19 tracker list of 1600 infections per 100K people reported, reaching 12,000 daily. Denmark has also biggest share of people 'fully vaccinated' plus boosters for COVID-19, France and Romania, the smallest, data shows... Denmark, THE SMALLEST country with one of the BIGGEST (36th place) economies and the BEST pharma and biotech, one of the HIGHEST ranking countries in the world when it comes to the DIGITISATION and 1000 year OLDEST Order of Freemasons Monarchy. Perhaps you now understand, why Denmark are among the very top countries enrolling "China-Corona-Corporation"-Agenda like Australia and New Zealand to test, how far and wide, the Cabal are able to drive this Corona Falsum and Fascism or any False Red Flags, for that matter. In 1813, Denmark went bankrupt due to debt to Rothschild - the creditor of all European countries, which were also in financial dire straits during the Napoleonic wars. Ever since 1813, Denmark is and has always been Rothschild-empire love-child, the rest is history... |

"Evidence of cannibalism by the international restaurant chain McDonalds has been sent to us by Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad" ~ BF 

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a 
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Mafia assassins descend on Rome to avenge murder of Pope Francis [CLAIM]

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on December 27, 2021

The Italian white nobility has sent mafia assassins to Rome to avenge the murder of Pope Francis by the Khazarian Satanists, P3 Freemason sources say. The closure of St. Peter’s on Christmas day was the trigger, they say.The Pope was killed and replaced because he was against the ongoing vaccine campaign, they add. “The war against kaballa [the Khazarian Mafia] and the war against the vaccine are the same game because the vaccine is the Armageddon of the Kabala to fuck the world,” a P3 source said.

The top Khazarian mafia assassins are also in Rome as a secret war rages there, the sources continue. They also used their propaganda media to disseminate a fake story about masked social distancing worshipers watching the Pope discuss hot-button issues for Israel.

As a counter-attack, Kylie Pentelow, an anchor for the British network ITV, said Pope Francis’ “death was announced.”

The fight over the Pope is only one part of the ongoing war to liberate humanity from the Khazarian mafia. In Israel, the white hats have taken Prime Minister Naftali Bennett into custody “for questioning,” Mossad sources say.

This is why Israeli papers are reporting Bennett was forced to leave a cabinet meeting to enter quarantine despite testing negative for Covid. The excuse is that his fully vaccinated daughter tested positive. Next week we hope to share with readers what the interrogation of Bennett reveals.

The arrest may be related to a recent failed attempt to implode the Turkish economy and take over that countries’ industry. This is the playbook the KM have used to take over industry in countless countries, including Japan. This news item shows the Turks have counter-attacked:

ANKARA, Dec 24 (Reuters) – Turkey has frozen the assets of a total of 770 people and a U.S.-based foundation on the grounds of terrorism financing, a ruling published in its official gazette showed on Friday.

It seems the doomed KM can no longer crash currencies and then loot economies.

At this point, I want to once again make clear that the KM is not Jewish. What we are dealing with is the ancient enemies of the Jews, known as the Hyksos or Babylonians. They worshipped a goat faced god with a forked tail known as Baphomet, Ba’al, Molech, Set, Satan etc. (do a google search of famous people making satanic hand signs to see for yourself) Their leaders, like the Rothschild family, claim to be descended from the ancient Babylonian king Nimrod who rebelled against God.

When this writer was invited to join the Satanists they said the world was full of suffering because the creator was evil and needed to be overthrown. This is not just ancient history. The KH facility of CERN in Switzerland features a statue of the god Shiva dancing a dance to “destroy a weary universe.” That is why the white hats attacked CERN on Christmas eve.

The KM also say they want to kill 90% of humanity. I have it on tape.

So, when so-called Rabbis call me anti-semitic, I say “rabbi shmabbi.” These Satanists have enslaved the Jews for thousands of years. For example, ancient cuneiform texts from Babylon say that circumcision was a form of ritual castration used to mark slaves. The Jews have been their captives at least since the time of Nebuchadnezzar II, which would mean the Jews have been Babylonian slaves for at least 2618 years.

However, my Jewish secret society sources say this is false history and that their slavery goes back to the reign of Hammurabi which means they have been slaves for between 3771 and 3813 years. My sources say the Jews have been slaves for exactly 3774 years.

In any case, we are dealing with a very ancient cult of human slavers. They are the ones who call those who are not of their tribe Goyim. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” says Rabbi Ovadia Yosef “the beloved head of the Council of Torah Sages.”

This is in complete contradiction to the sign of a true Jew which is to follow the Golden rule; i.e. to treat others as you would want them to treat you.

The Khazarian mafia’s belief that other humans are cattle is not just a metaphor. One of the things about cattle and sheeple is that you are allowed to kill them and eat their meat.

Now that the KM is being defeated and exposed, evidence of widespread, industrial-scale cannibalism is emerging. This BBC headline from 2018 hints at this: “Meat testing: A fifth of samples reveal unspecified animals’ DNA.”

Evidence of cannibalism by the international restaurant chain...

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McDonalds has been sent to us by Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad:

All McDonalds Across the Globe Ordered Closed after FBI Discovered they had been serving human meat. The closures also involved Cemex, Heinz, TerraMar’s Red Ruby Rings, Red Shoes and Keystone Foods, all used for disposing of dead bodies. Find all the McDonalds Restaurants shutdown since Covid. Use New York City, Kuta Bali, Victoria, South Australia as a Starting Point. Find all the Processed Meat Factories across the World that got Rona’d: Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Pasties & any other processed meats…
FBI finds remains of many people at McDonald’s meat supplier:,

This is what a Mossad source had to say about this:

The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean. All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. That’s right, Childrens’ Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too.

This is what is behind all these headlines the source says:

“50 McDonalds restaurants close”

Australia closes 76 venues:

UK 33 sites:


“McDonald’s to close hundreds of locations in Walmart stores:”

“Times Square’s Glitzy, Four-Story McDonald’s Is Shutting Down After 17 Years”


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