Nov 17, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Be kind to anyone, anywhere, anytime) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Talking about kindness... Where I stay this week outside DK, street dogs and cats are not wild, but left to themselves. I do like German Shepherd and every day i feed 2 (snacks) that are left outside a house, day after day, alone. And others, that feel to give me attention. In my country, we treat dogs and house animals, better than our babies, and it's a bit to much. But, love them and treat "everyone" with kindness--not because they are kindhearted, but because you are... So many placed all living souls need love and compassion, for example, the harsh life inside the refugee camp on the border between Belarus and Poland, witnessing cold, hunger, and the desperation of its inhabitants. Or stopping the killings & wounded at Sudan anti-coup rallies or somewhere else in the world that need our love, support and prayers. We could also make sure, that massmeditation are helping escorting Colin Powell into the Galactic Central Sun for processing. Yes, everyone, most people (George H. W. Bush & The Black Pope didn't make it was disintegrated or resolved into nothingness) need a fresh start in the hands of the Light Force, free passage safely guided through the plasma and etheric planes not soultrapped by the Archons, like 1000 years of lifetimes (it's a Cobra RM thing)... |


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