Oct 11, 2021

πŸ—£️✊πŸ™…‍♂️ ~ (We The People 'Purebloods' UpRise) VakkZine-anger is suddenly turning on Danish PM Frederiksen in India. Air Traffic Controllers WALK-OUT over Vax Mandate. SouthWest Airlines cancels over 1,800 flights. All Washington commercial flights cancelled Monday 11th. 2021. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied. US sheriffs rebel against state mask & nationwide vaxx mandate. Ships stuck out at Sea. (SoTW) ~ | Blogger:... The fight is far from over. This is not only about America, but the Whole World against Draconian Laws and mandatory poisonous vakkZines and Frankenstein medicine. However, the corona-corporation-marching-orders came from Big Pharma U.S. Inc. Agenda 21 (2030) and Chinese CCP Wuhan Lab Bio-Weapon plot industries. Three named countries are the worst in this agenda and has been THE TEST countries; the socialist-communist controlled in Denmark has won with 4,38M 75,2% fully vaxxed up (so they claim). Australia 12,9M - 50,2%. New Zealand 5,62M - 43,7%. Denmark ends all COVID-19 restrictions because they have succeeded on the vaxx-delivery by the commercial contract agreed with Pfizer–BioNTech (Lucifian) masters, but Aussies and Kiwis having the toughest restrictions ever seen in human history and it will stay that way until people UpRise or miracles start to happen in America.. When we officially will see arrest of ‘Go out there and enjoy Halloween,’ Dr. Evil Fauci and removal of fake masked-up Creepy-China-Corona Joe Biden (plus 'Jacindarella', 'ScoMo' & 'Mink-Medico-Mette' of course)... |

"VakkZine poison or saltwater: The world has been ambushed. We are in the midst of a war against Mother GAIA's Earthlings. The vaxxed Holocaust is well underway but HU-manity will prevail. Divinely Contracted people will die to wake other "sheeples". People who got saline-vaxxed will perhaps never see anything is wrong."~ SoTW


Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) gives a keynote speech during a special event with the think tank Observer Research Foundation as host of the Oberoi Hotel in New Delhi, India. Here she was suddenly confronted with vaccine proximity. Mads Claus Rasmussen / Ritzau Scanpix







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