Oct 28, 2021

🙋🍿😀 ~ (La-la land!?!) JUDY BYINGTON:... (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 28 OCTOBER 2021 (DC) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... Every single day, GCR-news is the MOST viewed post on "The Rumor Mill News Reading Room" and I don't get it. Well, I do get it, because every awaken Soul on Earth are looking for some hard-intel and hungry for more news from the alternative news-sites... But how can we trust the day-2-day news "show" compiled, when the dates can't be trusted? The people behind this, Judy and Co. just add stuff into new dates and timeline, but nothing new, really breaking?... Who are all these anonymous tip makers from confidential informants, that they seem to have?... How do debunkers debunk and who fact-checks the fact-checkers?... Don't get me wrong, we all know what's coming, we have all been waiting patiently for ever, some for the Solar flash, others for The EVENT, others again, for the EBS system, to kick in.. But, I'm sorry guys, not to be the party popper, nothing MAJOR has haven't yet in the public domain and because we're talking about military "secret string operations", nothing, could every happen, perhaps, not until 2022.. Just saying... We need the Mainstream media (MSM) to change completely or go down before the "fastest-sleepers" from "normie-land" are able to wake up, also...PS: How many X22 Report (podcast & video) are there now - 2612 episodes with Hitlery Crooked Clinton arrested Monday, October 30, 2023. Really Dave, 2023?... Sorry, just a bit impatient today.. |


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 28, 2021


Compiled Thurs. 28 Oct. 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”


A. Effective Advanced Warning, also known as EBS:

* Anonymous tip received earlier today Wed. 27 Oct. at FBI Field Office in McAllen, TX: larger than ever before seen illegal immigrant caravan inching towards our Southern Borders, in a flagrant attempt to overwhelm security forces and breach the now-clearly defined boundaries. This morning Wed. 27 Oct. during a private meeting with Pentagon officials, Prime Minister Sara Quan noted resistance had diminished nearly 2:1 since last week. “Green light, General. All systems go for massive lockdown ahead of the Big Event,” she affirmed to thunderous applause. …Whiplash347

* The FDA panel voted 17-0 in favor of authorizing the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in US children aged 5 to 11 years. Dr. Ruben on FDA panel: “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.” https://breaking911.com/fda-panel-recommends-pfizers-covid-vaccine-for-kids-ages-5-to-11/

* Even the thought of using children for medical experiments was outrageous to any normal thinking person, though surprisingly, it was not the first time innocents had been experimented on for vaccine development.Pharmaceutical companies have used orphans in trials of lethal drugs for quite a while. In 2004 the “great” Covid expert Dr. Fauci, who has made millions off the Plandemic, used orphans for tax payer-funded AIDS Experiments in a New York City hospital. Of the 532 children used for the AIDS experiments, 200 died. A hospital nurse told reporters that during testing, the children immediately fell ill and vomited heavily. No charges have ever been brought against anyone, nor against any institution involved. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/dr-faucis-used-orphans-for-aids-experiments-in-2004-in-new-york-city/

Dangers of Covid Vaccines: In addition to not causing immunity to CV-19, Covid Vaccines were found to have graphic particles with live cells and caused blood clotting, heart attacks, changed the DNA and depleted the immune system. In some countries more people had died from the vaccine than from Covid-19. Dr. Love says hydra and parasites in vaxx are transfecting humans into a new species. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/doctor-hydras-and-parasites-in-vaxx-transfecting-humans-into-new-species/ Suicidal thoughts, “paranoia-like fears,” delusions, and “foggy brain” were identified in three teenagers with mild or asymptomatic Covid-19, according to a new study that discovered rogue antibodies to blame for the condition. https://cutt.ly/wRD8fuQ

* D.O.D LAW OF WAR Effective Advanced Warning, Also known as EBS. Why do you think they used 5 to 11 yr olds? Remember, Remember The Fifth Of November. I’m not telling you a date. Fifth of November is written 5.11 It is a military code [DOD] for the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)….Whiplash347

* The Great Reset vs. The Global Reset: COVID was just a distraction for The Great Reset. They wanted the people to watch over there so they can change everything over here without you seeing anything. They didn’t want the people to take advantage of it. They wanted only the elites to profit from the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. Good that we knew it all and changed their evil plan. GESARA NESARA is ready to launch! See you all on the other side. https://greatawakening.world/reset1 ….Trump + Q, Great Awakening World


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