Jan 27, 2021

๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ•ด️๐Ÿš€~ ("Unsolved" mystery that will shock you to your Core) The Tragic Background Of Barack Obama aka; Barry Soetoro: Part 1~ (Politicalvelcraft. org + Andrew D. Basiago) ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ‘‰"Obama the communist gay impostor from Indonesia: Raised by wolves by Nanny Evie, a broke homosexual prostitute, Hawaiian Grandpa introduces Barry to a Black Communist bi-sexual, and others, finish corrupting little Barry. Teenage Barry was a lazy student and a heavy drug user on cocaine and homosexuality. In the 1980’s, Barry Obama had his homosexual Pakistani “lover”. At some point during the 1980’s, Frank Marshall Davis, and others above him, plug “Barack Obama Jr.” into the subversive network of Professor William Ayers. Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, are former FBI fugitives and founders of the Communist/Terrorist Weather Underground. The pyscho Obama is to be decorated with phony Ivy League degrees and groomed to be “the first Black President.” US Chrononaut, astronaut and US presidential candidate Andrew D. Basiago served with Barry Soetero in the Mars Jump Room Program and witnessed his transformation into Barack Obama. At last, the legend of Barack Obama can be told!.. Obama began his first political campaign in the Chicago living room of Terrorists Ayers and scumbag Dohrn! Ageing hippie communists Ayers and Dohrn are still very active in politics today. -'If Obama was to become President, he will need a wife and kids to conceal his homosexuality. The radical Marxist “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright specializes in finding unwanted women to marry the men in the closet like Obama.' This of course does not answer who killed the gay men at Racist Rev. Wright’s so-called Church." ~ to give a short summary SoTW๐Ÿ‘ˆ] ... |




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