Jan 28, 2021

🌊🤩💖 ~ (Massive Positive Vibes) David Wilcock LIVE 1/27: The Joan of Arc Timeline Requires a "Scare Event" Before It Gets Good (VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: SoTW don’t pretend to know what’s happening in our spiritual war against the “Invisible Enemy” (DS, DNC, China, Dark Nobility, Reptilian overlords etc), but I am guilty of having posted videos by people who DO claim to know... |

Who is David Wilcock: David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, film director and researcher of ancient civilizations, awareness science, and new paradigms of substance and energy. His Hollywood movie "CONVERGENCE" reveals evidence that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness that affects our minds in fascinating ways. Another new release is "Above Majestic" is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity... Divine Cosmos is the official Internet site, containing thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about spiritual growth, ascension and the development of consciousness. David always comment on what Benjamin Fulford publishes because much makes sense.

By David Wilcock

From DW's newsletter:

Events obviously did not proceed as we had anticipated. Uh-oh. Does this mean All is Lost? Are we in a global Dark Night of the Soul?

What lessons can we learn from the Joan of Arc Timeline?

David argues that the Hero's Journey of archetypes is a galactic template of consciousness evolution. This blueprint extends throughout history.

The ponderous and seemingly impossible situation we now find ourselves in is actually quite familiar. And... the apparent "end of the world" is only on page 85 of a 120-page screenplay!

Join David in this data-rich investigation of current events... and all the things you are no longer "allowed" to be interested in.

We will conclude with another Global Peace Meditation to help ensure that this global awakening proceeds as peacefully and effectively as possible.

Don't miss it!

Click here to join at 5pm Pacific / 8 Eastern

We look forward to seeing you soon!

-- David and Elizabeth

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