Oct 7, 2020

👒💔🤔 ~ (RIP) Obituary: Former Spiritual Seeker, Pureheart Designer, Supermodel and Professional Royal Jetsetter, Henriette Zobel, is Dead. Let the Pre-Birth Cycle Planning begin (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [🕉️Did she manage to neutralize her Karma or fulfill Dharma, by deep-delving Siddha Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Spiritual Retreats with her indian teacher, Gurumayi? Only she knows, in the afterlife of Summerland (Nirvana). She's back with her beloved husband in father sky😇] ... {H. Zobel died of "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) - KOL" - a disease that affects over 320,000 danes, but only half know they have the disease according to The Danish Health Authority (Danish: Sundhedsstyrelsen)} ...😔May she rest in peace! A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. We part with Denmark's beloved open hearted spiritual soul in pain. I wish that our Lord / God / Jesus Christ (Source) brings the Zobel family the much-needed peace during this sad time🙏... 🤫Once that has been said out loud - SoTW is NOT trying to be 'mean', personally or disrespectful of the so-called "spiritual or alternative healer community" of Denmark, many are desperating "trying" to (heal) or (cure) others, but can't (save), themselves... 🎢Buuutt, the Zobel family and especially, Henriette Zobel, had a hell of a ride (VERY turbulent life) during her stay on Earth (this time)... 🤑Just before she died, The Danish Business Authority had sent her company Henriette Zobel ApS to compulsory resolution for cheating with 2 MILLION UNPAID taxes from her spiritual retreat center... 🤔From an outsider perspective, since SoTW didn't know her or went to any of her workshops and retreats - for me, (people will be upset now) for me, H. Zobel, was a bankrupted, alcoholized condemn, traumatized, depressed, heart-broken, glamorous, mysterious, spiritual self programmed jet-set adventurer - yet another innocent spiritual 'figurehead' (pretender) like so many, many other hollywood wives (forsidefruerne)... [READ MORE]... 💭PS: Have you ever wondered why a psychologist can't fix or heal themselves, but only their patients, so they claim?... 💭💭PSS: DID YOU KNOW, according to SoTW's nurse mom - I have told this before on Verdensalt.dk, she's claiming, that former Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark, died from Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or lung disease, only seen in homosexual men - there's sooooo many lies in the Royal House of Denmark... |

Why 👸Zobel👸 continues to post Instagram pictures of Prince Henrik - 'I stand against all the authorities'.. (from 2017-2018)


READ MORE... (and links) 

AND of course, there is no recipe - everyone has their own spiritual path and that makes us unique and special. No one can be better in being you then you, because no one has your history, your genes, your parents, experiences or failures. It is up to you what you make of it..

All i'm saying is, be authentic, be honest and truthful to yourselves and others, and just follow the path in this life-time and the next one, because we all, have a clear destination and karmic cycle to fulfill, a continuous Round Robin learning mechanism with our divine contracts, which we signed, before we re-entered Earth... 

☝️PS: COPD (KOL) - what to do? There's many, many reasons why people suffer from this disease - main reason is Air pollution, Chemtrails, Tobacco- Drugs and Alcohol Additives, Chemistry in or Food, Toxin Medicine etc. etc... 

If we look at (Metaphysical causal relationships) by Debbie Shapiro or Louise L Hay ("Your body mirrors your mind") - "Chronic Diseases" or "Lung Problems" - it's about being depressed, feeling sad. Grief. The ability to breathe (receive) life. Fear of to accept life. Not worthy to live life to the fullest... AND, if it is true that 85% of all diseases - even if the number is smaller - are due to attitude and lifestyle, then these require very careful consideration??... |


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