Aug 12, 2020

πŸ’‰ ~ πŸ’— ~ (JUST SAY NO TO THE TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY) Nowhere to Run - Coronavirus is everywhere - Time to Unite (Bracha Goldsmith) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: PS: (SoTW) Russia’s ‘SPUTNIK V’ is READY for deployment to 130 millions Russians, Putin's daughter received a shot already, that has been developed by the research institute Gamaleja in collaboration with the Russian Ministry of Defense... As always, in dare warnings, W.H.O., America and Germany REJECTS the Russian vaccine and DEMANDS a vaccine, that undergone "rigorous safety testing". WHY? Because RUSSIA is still a Cold War Enemy and they have their own GHOST-vaccine!... The Danish State's vaccinefactory (SSI) and AJVaccines (owned by a 'shariasheik') sponsored by Danish State & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is called 'CoVAXIX'...Russian vaccine is one among 26 vaccines that are tested on HUMANS. EU is working on """"165"""" Covid-19 vaccines (SoTW's own research).... Mike Adams (Natural News) Dr. Andrew Wakefield, creator of the bombshell new film “1986: The Act,” unloads on the deep corruption of the criminal vaccine industry in a new Brighteon Conversations interview (below)... |

Source (Bracha Goldsmith)

#astrology #coronavirus #nzlockdown #chicago 

Covid19 has changed our world forever. Our world is in the midst of transformational changes. The astrology is intense and transformational for the next few months. Things are changing rapidly. Uncertainty is prevalent, panic, fear, anger, division, separation, conspiracy theories, lies, corruption, house arrest, masks..... what is going on? We are moving into a global unknown. Nothing is secure. Nothing is stable. NZ, the country championed for keeping COVID19 out, now has a new case and has suddenly locked down Auckland. Eruptions are breaking out everywhere: storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, riots, unrest, looting..... It is happening to ALL OF US! No one, no where is exempt. There is nowhere to run. Nowhere to escape. How can we productively navigate these aspects?

Mike Adams
We've published a new interview today with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, creator of the new film, "1986: The Act."

In this must-see interview, Dr. Wakefield warns that because vaccine makers have total legal immunity against all lawsuits by injured people, they have abandoned any pretense of real science and now manufacture products which may harm or kill millions of people as global coronavirus vaccine mandates are put in place.

This is a must-see interview to understand the depths of evil of the vaccine industry and how they literally murder children for profit.

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