Aug 28, 2020

😷🤐🗣️ ~ (#Gaslighting #StockholmSyndrom #GhostVirus #YouHaveAChoice) ‘Tremendously Effective’: Face Coverings Block 99.9% of COVID-19 Respiratory Droplets - Study (Sputniknews) ~ | Blogger: [👉NOTHING quite like being forced to cover your MOUTH = The END of FREE SPEECH👈] ... AND a new study conducted by SoTW Citizen Journalism reveals face coverings can block 99.9% of a real SMILE and EMOTIONS! Hence, you tell your Body, Mind and Soul to undergo the SILENT TREATMENT stealthily... This mask crap is a continuance of the LOCKDOWNS and Black Nobility Agenda, prepared decades ago... Your country doesn’t care what you wear on your face, since nothing will work. They just want people to wear the UNIFORM of a MASK – it’s like how some churches or muslims countries ask you to cover your hair. We are all NIQABIS now, with all due respect... The military dresses the troops in uniforms or health workers for the same reason: to take away their individuality, and to teach the troops they are part of a “team,” under the control of the government. Hive mind, or mob mentality. The mask is a symbol that a) you are afraid and b) you will obey... Cloth face coverings do nothing at all to solve the problem that all the doctors in the world have not solved yet: how to handle the coronavirus. Why is it so contagious, with effects that range from nothing, to death? No answers. If no one knows anything, including the CDC, WHO and all the Global Health Scientists, why is the government pretending they do? And that they know what to do to prevent it? “Cloth face covers” is as far from science as you can get. No instructions or directions or description with them, because they are a PSYCHOLOGICAL PANACEA, to try to control the rampant FEAR that THEY started... 💬PS: I have heard that the Berlin demonstration, which many invites on youtube has been blocked, and the german police or govt CAN'T STOP, expects over SIX MILLION PEOPLE... If that's the case, it will be the BIGGEST peaceful MASS protest for a century in the western hemisphere... Simultaneously "solidarity demonstrations" in Uruguay, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, (Denmark) and many other countries... |

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