Jun 9, 2020

☀️ ~ πŸ’— June 7-9th 2020 Solar Activity (Aluna Ash) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰Todays SR Peak Power 40πŸ‘ˆ] ... |


We are now basically in a gateway to a major activation coming very soon.

We are now basically in a gateway to a major activation coming very soon. Solar activity can be felt by most days prior to physical manifestation, (because the external is a projection of the internal,) so some of you may have noticed a change in sleep, dreams, diet, body, moods, etc... several days ago. June 8th is a cycle day related to the Sun, Solar Activity, Sun Spots so it is right on time. The next cycle day is June 21st, which is the Solstice/Solar Eclipse Planetary Galactic Axis Activation a very rare alignmentπŸ€— I believe we will see quite a change with the magnetic field/polarity of the Sun due to this alignment and Activation. We may see/feel even more of an increase in Solar/Cosmic Activity then we are currently about 3 days prior to Solstice and the days following. The July Lunar Eclipse also falls within hrs of a Sun-cycle day!

The Hidden Mother Sun has a rhythm and she speaks through the Physical Sun transmitting her Cosmic Forces to be distributed. These Cosmic Forces of Spirit never descend directly unto lower planes, but work through us- animating and expressing through our body and all matter. The more connected we are in our inner Heart, the more Life Force we receive through these Rays of Spirit which vitalize and magnetize of body.
This is why it is important to work through inner divided states of the belief in evil. It de-magnetizes your Life Force and keeps your awareness focused on the lower subjective/astral/psychic planes. On the Spiritual Plane there is no belief in evil, no competition, no identity beyond the Creator- Being All, the Heart is open, all is One unit working for the same cause.

It is our own Consciousness & Life Force moving around, projected externally as Solar/Cosmic Activity. We are just becoming aware of our inner self through seeing/experiencing it objectively. Like everything is flipped inside out.

Dreams can be strange or more active... it can be helpful to pay attention to anything that really stands out to you in your dreams and try and figure out what your subconscious is saying through the symbolism. We work through tension, fears, emotion in dream state.

Cycle days:
June 8th
June 21st
July 4th
July 17th
July 30th

(I have grafted out the cycle days for the next several months, the picture is posted on this page in case anyone is interested or finds it helpful. Websites can only monitor current activity with tools/measurements... although we feel beyond space and time, there isn't really a way to prove/know 100% but we feel energy shifts & know intuitively/subliminally... so no matter, listen to what you feel & what you know to be true, reguardless of what another says or what a computer/measurements say. I share these patterns in case it is helpful to someone.)

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