Apr 19, 2020

๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ‘ฝ~ People Need To Know This - The Most Explosive Speech of Steven Greer ~ | Blogger: SoTW (Verdensalt) has been so incredibly lucky to have meet William (Bill) M. Tompkins, at 2017 MUFON Symposium, 1 month later, he died (eliminated some say)... Well, maybe you don't give a rats ass, but being able to hang around, starstrucked, as a hillbilly danish nobody, smack in the middle of the UFO community conferences in 2014-19, visiting Area 51 back gate, and meeting amazing real astronauts, whistleblowers and got new friends, and what have you, i've tell you, not many can put that on his CV/rรฉsumรฉ from Denmark... I'm a freak you say!?... I rather be a loner, odd and peculiar spiritual enlighten person, than still living inside the fake 3-D matrix of Simulation... What about you?... Is Steven Greer for real? I have no idea... All I know, that we're not alone in the Universe and above top secret advanced technologies that can literally save every single living Soul on Earth, exists. And that has been hidden for the public in 80 years plus time by Human MIC-SSP, is stunning and could scare people to dead... You be the judge... |

Source (Success Archive)

Steven Greer reveals the most dangerous information in the world

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