Mar 8, 2020

πŸ˜¨πŸ›’πŸƒ‍♂️ ~ Real Threat or 'Preppers' & Grocery Industry Delight?: Stockpiling for the Coronavirus. Italy, Australia, Hawaii, New York and now, Denmark. Mackerel in tomato sauce. Tuna in oil. Pasta. Biscuits and Toilet paper (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‹Can You SeeπŸ‘€] ... CNN: "'Preppers' have endured years of mockery. Coronavirus fears have given them a booming self-survival business"... Do we need to worry or is it all a HOAX!???... This excerpts comes from a reader called (P) at Rumor Mill News with the title: "OUT OF STOCK" purposefully by the Cabal, and ABOUT BORAX" (if you don't know what Borax is just look at the many natural "life preserving" things that the "Food industry" and "UN Codex Alimentarius Commission" has eliminated in our food products) and it goes like this;..."We believe the readers should know why the shelves are 'OUT OF STOCK' and this is a perfectly orchestrated ploy by the CABAL. Some would believe FEAR purchasing causes this, no that is not true, or some believe the 'corona virus' is causing this, not true either. This has been setup for many many years. Every Grocery Store, convenient store, or any store that sells products in NA was designed this way. The actual thing causing the shortages, is not the actual supply, but its the method of supply. This is called 'JUST IN TIME' shipping. Its designed to allow the stores to re-designate their once used supply storage areas which usually would be packed with supplies that would meet demand for weeks, now only last less then 24- 72 hours. These stores were tricked by the CABAL, to give up their supply storage capability under the guise of more usable 'active' space. This is the true reason why the shelves are empty, its not manufacturers at all. You might think big stores like COSTCO might have more of a supply, but even they do 'JUST IN TIME' shipping, just more volume. This 'corona virus' is just another ploy, maybe it will bring in the GCR, RV. Since the communist government in China had to be annihilated in order for the GCR to happen, a.k.a GESARA compliant. This is a mixed bag of tricks, tied into everything the CABAL has been pushing at us. Here is a good hint, one of the things that most likely will still be on the shelves and is more useful then 90% of the 'food' out there is BORAX." (READ MORE)... |

Makrel i tomat, tun i olie og toiletpapir – nu bliver der hamstret, der bringer varer hjem til folk, oplever et boom i salget af langtidsholdbare fΓΈdevarer, efter at coronavirus blev konstateret i Danmark.
CNN: 'Preppers' have endured years of mockery. Coronavirus fears have given them a booming self-survival business

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