Mar 13, 2020

🦠 ~ NEO – COVID 19, an engineered Pandemic? (VT Today) ~ | Blogger: [😨"COVID 19 is 99% fear and 1% outcome. First Known Use of coronavirus = 1968" ~ VT💯] ... Excerpts: "Simply put, there are actors out there that can and would unleash a global pandemic as a component in a long term “chaos theory” operation. Those same actors would do so and have, over and over, no matter the cost in human lives. I think one can now safely point to 9/11 and its aftermath as one such operation. One might also cite several regime change efforts as well and even fill in the names of nations involved, the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and Israel. In fact, 3 million dead and up to 10 million refugees is a price the Deep State cabal and its nation state puppets thought nothing of extracting. By those standards, COVID is likely little more than a test run for something far more deadly. Our friends may well just be gathering data, “big data” as it were and we know how much they love their data."... |

– First published … March 12, 2020 –

The current coronavirus, COVID 19, is disrupting economies, travel and daily life across the entire planet. It has erased up to 10% of the financial liquidity of nations like the United States, albeit temporarily, and the worst is yet to be seen.

Behind this grim story is something more sinister. COVID 19 not just “may well have been” engineered as a biological weapon but “very likely was” engineered as a biological weapon.

We begin to make our case:

Every effort imaginable has been used to conspiratorize, conflate and confuse involving COVID 19.

This is the most infectious human disease in history with an impossible incubation period, weeks of symptomless airborne infection, an unlikely disease for sure. Is it engineered, is it bio-warfare?

To examine the facts, and facts are “slim to none,” skill sets curiously withheld will be applied. First of all, and perhaps above all as well, that facts are “slim to none” is telling.

This is a disease, one related to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), all coronaviruses. From Merriam-Webster: (READ MORE)

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