Mar 17, 2020

🛡️ ~ 💗 Is Coronavirus Helping to Take Down the Deep State? (GAOG) 💕 ~ | Blogger: I'm NOT sure if Steve Beckow knows this, but some 20,000 American soldiers, who were expected to form the backbone of the massive 37,000-strong drill involving forces from 18 NATO member states, will now either stay home or - for those already moved into Europe - return to the US. Perhaps it only takes a small portion of special forces to take down the New World Order?... |

An exercise in entrapment?
There seem to be indications that the Coronavirus, whether released through carelessness or intention, may be the kickoff for what’s been variously called “the Storm” and “draining the swamp.”

Rumors abound that the white hats, Alliance, or positive forces are using Defender-Europe 20 as a cover behind which to round up cabalists, corrupt politicians, pedophiles, mafia, drug cartels, and other elements of the New World Order.

The closure of U.S. airports, schools, etc., creates optimum conditions for a similar domestic takedown.

Others are saying that the pandemic creates best conditions for the announcement of the Reval. Given the financial suffering occurring around us, that scenario also seems plausible.

For us lightworkers, it gives us a chance to assume direction of society’s aspirations in the face of an order which has shown, over and over again, that it does not care about people.

The way we do it, as the articles recently posted here make clear, is by taking care of each other. Caring for each other is the glue of society, Vitamin L (love), what makes it seem worthwhile to get up in the morning.

Caremongering a group of Canadians called it. (1) We knit society together in a web of compassion, of taking care of each other.

We restore relationships, community, communication. That is how to take back the reins of social direction from those of the once-formidable New World Order.

Just as we’re headed away from oil (free energy will make it obsolete), so we’re also headed away from a house divided and towards global unity.

Never before have we had a better chance to take hold of the rudder of society and steer the ship in this direction.

We need to think globally and act locally, to borrow a phrase from the Sixties. Speak locally and make global connections. (2) We need to create a global conversation, one conversation at a time.

That’ll take getting over our cultural differences and finding our universal similarities. A smile is universal. How often do you smile? Is your smile genuine? This is an example of the ways in which people of different cultures in the beginning will attempt to get the measure of each other as we work globally together.

Obviously we can’t travel or come together physically right now. But we do have the Net, which I think we need to begin using in a highly-organized and -directed fashion.

I hope I see a hundred new discussion groups form in the next month to promote a global conversation.

I’d like to see a hundred new blogs arise as well, committed to taking the global view.

They don’t have to be textual sites. Video and Pinterest-type blogs are also needed. We need the full gamut of services if we’re going to take such an evolutionary step as taking back the reins of power in our global society.

Whatever new directions we arrive at and initiate, lightworkers of all rays and persuasions have a chance here to fill the void created by the quarantine and its consequences and take society in a new, more compassionate direction.

(1) “Coronavirus: Kind Canadians Start ‘Caremongering’ Trend,” March 17, 2020, at

(2) Having said that, I have to also add that Michael has asked the Golden Age of Gaia not to partner or align with anyone.

Archangel Michael: The blog site has need to retain its independence….

It needs editorial independence. It needs policy independence. It needs direction independence and financial independence … and there is reason for this that will become apparent later — it has need to be an independent platform. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Linda Dillon, Feb. 7, 2013.)

AAM: Dear heart, do not allow yourself to become the spokesbeing of any view or group – your independence is critical at this juncture…. Do not waver. (AAM, July 7, 2011.)

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