Mar 30, 2020

πŸ˜‡ ~ πŸ’— Daybreak: Donuts and COVID-19 (counciloflove) πŸ’• ~ |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak March 30, 2020


I want to share a couple of insights from the Council of Love that I’ve channeled because this is part of this amazing rebirthing process that the entire planet is going through. And let me be very clear even before we talk about the Coronavirus. This is not some kind of divine vengeance sent from up above. But we are using this situation to serve and to bring forth the Divine unfoldment.

The first thing is that we, individually and collectively, are in the pause. The Council has talked a lot in the past years about the pause. Many of you, whether you knew it or not have been put in the pause before, perhaps even several times. I know I have. That was when you felt things in your life were simply stalled out. That no matter what you did you weren’t going anywhere. You can think of this even in terms of the old-fashioned term, the term of confinement, the time of confinement, right before the birthing of the new baby which is you, which is us.

It’s a time now when all of us Gaians are being given a collective time out, a collective time of confinement. Not because something is really wrong, but it is a time for course correction. It is time for us to stop and catch our breath. And the good news is, is Gaia is also getting a time tp catch hers.

We’re seeing some miraculous evidence of that across the globe. We’re witnessing amazing healing of the planet in just a couple of weeks. So much for the argument that it would take generations to clean up Gaia…

The second point related to COVID-19 is this – we are literally being asked whether we want to live or die. We being asked clearly about how we want to live and how we want to co-create Nova Earth. We’re being asked in a really dramatic way.

Every year about 35 million people die of heart disease, cancer, and respiratory disease. So, if we look at this idea of a pandemic, they’ve been all around us every day and have been for decades. But the point here is we have never collectively, as a race of Gaians, taken time out to pause, to take that deep in breadth and out breadth with the Mother. We’ve never taken that time to pause together. And, it’s absolutely necessary.

Now one of the gifts, and yes, I’m using the word – gifts of COVID-19 is that it stirred up our collective and individual sense of vulnerability. The fear factor, the high drama factor is making us all uneasy. And the very necessary isolation is adding to that. We’re feeling a little restricted and separated, maybe a little bit lost, and maybe even a little bit powerless.

Now that’s the good news because the issue of separation is the strongest core issue we have as humans – consistently. We feel we’ve been pushed out, away from source and that we are out here vulnerable. Often that feels like we’re forgotten, and that makes us fearful, and vulnerable and it brings up every single issue of self-worth we have. This self-worth isolation issue is coming up for healing. And we are already seeing that healing taking place.

We’re already seeing people reach out to each other all across the planet. We’re seeing a new sense of Unity. We’re witnessing a sense of all of us taking a deep breath to reset our intentions and our lives. We slowing down individually and collectively, long enough and slow enough to realize the futility of much of what occupies our heads and our everyday lives. We’re coming together to take care of one another in ways that haven’t been done in a really, really long time. We’re realizing we are all in the same boat.

Now is a time for us to focus on this issue together to shift, to clear from drama and fear to valor, unity, and connectedness. This sweet virus has helped us realize that we are on one planet, we are one race of Gaians regardless of whether you’re a star seed, or an earth keeper, or a way-shower or a channel or a portal.

We are united on this planet, and we are united in heart and sacred purpose. We’re coming together, not as Americans or Canadians, Europeans or Chinese – we’re coming together as a united soul group, a soul family to re-anchor love, to be the boots on the ground, to be that fulfillment, to be the fulfillment agents of the Divine Mother’s plan.

Love and healing don’t know any national boundaries or special interest groups. This is a Universal call, a Heavenly call. I can hear Gabrielle horn. This pause is not just to heal but to redirect. We can choose to buy into fear or conspiracy theories – God forbid, or we can choose to proceed in our Divine Authority, deputized by the Mother herself.

This joining together in unity and love, in compassion and gentle strength, choosing a different tomorrow path is the silver lining within this pandemic. We are joining together not in denial but in a deep heart-knowing that we, each in our own unique way, are affecting not only the outcome but the process.

Our beloved Yeshua has shred guidance on what we as lightworkers can do to assist the collective in this process.

As we weather this storm together my friends, stay safe, stay strong, and stay in your heart - fill yourself with Mother Mary's Blue Diamond wrap yourself in the Mother’s beautiful blue cloak, and anchor deeply within the heart of Gaia.

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