Jan 11, 2020

🙃 ~ ‘HOLY S**T’: Deepfake YouTuber ‘embarasses’ Netflix & Scorsese by de-aging ‘The Irishman’ better than they ever could ~ | Blogger: The Irishman is the worst movie of 2019, perhaps this century, but as a (home movie theater) movie buff, many movies is made with CGI (Computer-generated imagery) - used in films, television programs and commercials, and in printed media... Funny thing is that Facebook is banning Deepfake videos ahead of the 2020 election, but are the biggest con man in the known history of the world... Star Wars: Rogue One - the filmmakers CGI-pasted ’80s-era Carrie Fisher on a double’s face, and the results are what you’d expect: A weird, glossy sheen on Leia’s face, and buggy eyes that look taken from a poorly-rendered video game cutscene... |

Source (RT)

An anonymous YouTuber spent far less time and money than Martin Scorsese and Netflix to de-age actors in ‘The Irishman’ using the deepfake technology – and the results are rapidly winning fans over (READ MORE)

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