Oct 24, 2019

πŸ‘©⚖️ ~ Trial of the Year: Not quite Peter Madsen, but the public will be glued to Britta Nielsen case (CPHpost) ~ | Blogger: [πŸ™‰AND the public, will forget about fraudulent nationwide DNA-profiles, illegal and dangers of video AI face-recognition surveillance, illegal online snooping plans of session logging, illegal danish justice system that was rocked by flawed phone location evidence, illegally passes law enabling withdrawal of jihadists' and of course gets Alzheimer when it comes to Danske, Nordea & SEB banking biggest money laundering operation in the worldπŸ™ˆ] ... {Reverse Robinhood} ... Let's start with Nordea as the Nordic region's biggest bank by market capitalization after Norway's DNB, since Danske Bank and world's biggest €200bn money-laundering scandal, will be forgotten, because they know, 99% of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Zionist Banking Mafia, will never go to trial... Nordea, is screwed, but nobody has noticed it (yet)... AFTER a friendly visit by The European Central Bank (ECB), a 1.3 bln euro charge for defunct IT systems and cost-cutting dragged the $30 bln Nordic lender to a third-quarter loss. But, like Danske Bank, MAJOR contributor to danish government systems, Nordea Bank, and the rest of the dirty dozen six banks, "too big to fail", with their 'smooth operator' attitude, given free to swindle the public, like there's no tomorrow... Soooo, Britta Nielsen goes to trail, and she will likely face a prison sentence of between 8 and 12 years if found guilty, but why don't the danish govt have another Mexican standoff for Amdi Petersen?. Why hasn't any banksters gone to trail? Why are the ministers given divine rights to rule over people, without a fair trial, an agreement to revoke passports of (so-called) Isis fighters, but is that a smokescreen, as well?. What happened to the hunt for Stein Bagger's missing millions?. Why has the CEO's of Amagerbanken, finally got court ruling, to pay 225 million to govt owned, Finansiel Stabilitet A/S, 9 years after the crack, but paid out by AIG global insurance company and not themselves, in person?... Why come only 1 person has been jailed, a 67 old IRS-employee, and therefore, takes the fall for the $2 billion in the so-called tax stripping scandal, that hit several countries across Europe including Germany, Belgium and Austria, while U.S. pension funds and english billionaire, Sanjay Shah and others, are still at large?... So many questions! So little time!... Can you see where i'm getting at?... 'In corrupt systems, decent people have two options: conform or be crushed' ~ Fintan O'Toole... |

BREAKING: after pleading guilty the defendant has been escorted by police and ambulance at the danish court system after heart attack? Smokescreen or real?

Prosecutor will be seeking answers to some of the burning questions, such as how she was able to get away with it undetected for so long

It’s the biggest trial since Peter Madsen – and arguably the second largest of the 21st century in Denmark – and it starts today at Copenhagen City Court. In total, nine court days have been set aside, with a verdict expected on November 29.

Like Madsen, the public have already convicted Britta Nielsen, the book-keeper accused of embezzling 117 million kroner from the national purse.

But does the 65-year-old have a strong defence – after all, very little of the proceeds have been traced, so how strong is the public prosecutor’s case?

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