Oct 24, 2019

🛸 ~ MUFON Newsletter - October 2019 - Write your congressman today! (MUFON HQ) ~ | .. This is a major, and we repeat MAJOR, announcement by our military and recognized as such by major media .. |

Blogger: Excerpts from Newsletter:

Write your congressman today!

The Navy recently confirmed in an official announcement what the world has known nearly two years that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena being chased by Navy Jets all over the world are real and they are not ours! In an announcement dated September 18, 2019 CNN reported;

"The US Navy has finally acknowledged footage purported to show UFOs hurtling through the air. And while officials said they don't know what the objects are, they're not indulging any hints either.

The objects seen in three clips of declassified military footage are "unidentified aerial phenomena," Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher confirmed to CNN.

Gradisher said the Navy's transparency about unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, is largely done to encourage trainees to report "incursions" they spot in the airfield, which threaten pilots' safety.

"This is all about frequent incursions into our training ranges by UAPs," he said. "Those incursions present a safety hazard to the safe flight of our aviators and the security of our operations."

The public clips capture just a fraction of the frequent incursions Navy training ranges see, he said.

"For many years, our aviators didn't report these incursions because of the stigma attached to previous terminology and theories about what may or may not be in those videos," he said.

The only way to find out what those UAP are, he said, is to encourage trainees to report them when they see them."
This is a major, and we repeat MAJOR, announcement by our military and recognized as such by major media. Meanwhile, well connected folks are briefing Congress on our behalf behind the scenes on the UFO matter and diligently working to get our elected officials to "do something about it." Like funding research to study it.

But they need your help. This will be the first step to finding out who they are, where they're from, and why they're here, and ultimately what this means to all of us on planet earth.

You can help by writing to your congressperson and Senators and demanding they take this seriously. Unfortunately, they have many matters vying for their attention, but this should hold priority above all else because it deals with our future.

We have posted on the MUFON website a letter HERE - you can cut and paste into an e-mail to your congressperson and two senators and the links to allow you to do this easily. I strongly encourage you to do this NOW! It's time to drive change through our elected officials. Together we WILL make this happen.  

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