Oct 20, 2019

πŸ’‚πŸ˜‚ ~ #ICYMI : (In case you missed it) Does democracy still work in Brexit Britain? ~ | ~ Brexit Was Globalist Plan All Along According to 1942 New World Order Map ~ | Blogger : [🀭#British Humour = UK-EU BREXIT HOAX. Your Brain On MDMAπŸ˜€] ... {Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, calls new (larger) EU budget; »sounds like crazy on toast«. According to new calculations, Danish EU membership risks becoming 5 billion DKK more expensive per year. The prime minister is fighting against budget proposals} ... PS: Brexit (could) be a victory over the Rothschilds & EU globalists, but they will never allowed it, unless they can convince member-states to pay a substantially bigger yearly fee, like banks, do with interest rates and fees on monthly mortgages etc... |

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