Oct 20, 2019

👽 ~ Secret Space Program Insider Reveals EVERYTHING He Knows About Extraterrestrials (UAMN TV) ~ | Blogger: PUT aside, the very negative comments on the video embedded, people are saying about YouTube channel UAMN TV, insider Emery Smith or others from David Wilcoks Divine Cosmos (Gaia TV), some say (fake) emergency room visits, here is actually something, that MOST people, properly never EVER heard about before, and is considered to be 'looney tunes moonmadness', for most... Nonetheless, verdensalt attended '2018 Conscious Life Expo': -- At Los Angeles Expo's prime event with David Wilcock started out discussing the Law of One - RA material. Suddenly Emery Smith (the ET Autopsy Insider) appeared on the stage (a few meters from me, he's a huuge guy) - and the crowd goes wild. I need to stress this point, what i personally got was (only) some positive and great vibes from Mr. Smith and think he's legit, even his storytelling is like, falling down the rabbit hole, with blinders on and you try desperately to wake up from the dream, while pinching your arm... David Wilcock friendship with Emery Smith goes 20 years back, after coming forward, he's hit with massive attack by the Dark Alliance. Emery Smith, the whistleblower formerly known as “Paul”, comes forward to reveal his work inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert. You may have seen him in the film Sirius, as he was dissecting the Atacama Humanoid body. At stage he tells us of his induction into secret military testing facilities at Kirtland, AFB in NM where he was tasked with dissecting tissue samples taken from extraterrestrial bodies, hybrid creatures and Secret Bases. Living DNA controlled spaceships. Hallway to many corridors and doorways and like Andrew Basiago revealed, that twice in 1981 he was actually teleported from a CIA facility in California to a secret U. This was common for Emery to be teleported to unknown locations offworld in the 90'ish... |

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