Oct 30, 2019

🔴 ~ BREAKING: World Famous Angry 'Our House Is On Fire Climate Messiah' Greta Thunberg & writer Jonas Eika, declines $52,000 together with 2019 Nordic Council Environment Prize, as Prize Winners Shocking Sneak Attack Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, of Racism In The Stockholm Acceptance Speech which leaves Danish PM & Swedish PM, Stefan Löfven with other Politicians Absolutely Speechless and Petrified - No clapping ~ | Blogger: [😲FOR the first TIME under 'crisis acting' Greta Thunberg rule, verdensalt do agree with her and Jonas Eika🗣️] - when, Jonas Eika, gave a very emotional speech, REPEATEDLY mentioning Mette Frederiksen by name and accusing her and her government of having taken over the recent government's racist politics, acc. to a danish journalist, Troels Mylenberg. 💬 - "I speak to the Danish Prime Minister (who also sits in this room). Mette Frederiksen, who heads a Social Democracy that has come to power by taking over the previous government's racist language and politics", said Jonas Eika in the speech, which TV 2 has a copy of. 💬 - "Mette Frederiksen, who calls herself the CHILDREN'S prime minister, but runs a foreign policy that divides families", he said in the speech. The Danish author also accused other governments in the Nordic countries of pursuing racist politics. 💬 - "The mound and applause were scattered. Mette Frederiksen and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, who also sat in the first row, sat as petrified and did not clap", says Troels Mylenberg. A party member describes Eika as a "clown". And Pia Kjærsgaard is angry - VERY angry after Jonas Eika talks about "State-racism" and many other subjects ... |

(Above - true or false?) Photographs shared widely in September 2019 showed Greta Thunberg posing with George Soros and a member of Isis and "aligning herself" with Antifa...

Prismodtager anklager Mette Frederiksen for racisme i takketale: - Hun sad som forstenetGreta Thunberg får Nordisk Råds Miljøpris - afviser at modtage den
Greta Thunberg declined a climate award because the world needs more action, fewer awards
'The climate doesn't need awards': Greta Thunberg declines environmental prize
Pia Kjærsgaard: »Skam dig, Jonas Eika«

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