Oct 29, 2019

πŸ‘Ό ~ πŸ’— A Special Message to Lightworkers (Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [🍬The Sugar Matrix🍫] - Yes, verdensalt knows it (unfortunately) all well, i'm fighting it, every day... |

Greetings, Amazing One! 

Huge Thanks to all who watched the Collective’s video on releasing subconscious Abundance blocks!

You can view their Manifesting Abundance video either on the Abundance Group Facebook page, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YyzZDI6A2Qg.

Many commented on Facebook or emailed me to say they loved the first video and found it empowering and healing.

Thank you for that! Your feedback is a tremendous help in shaping which areas the Collective offer guidance on.

Last week we talked about Inner Transformation -- releasing the subconscious blocks that stop us from manifesting Abundance.

So now let's move on to the next subject . . .

In the survey sent out earlier this year, we also asked, "What's hardest for you about Food and Eating?"

People named the biggest blocks to healthy eating and slimness as food addictions, emotional stress, and the cost of organic foods . . .  
  • “I turn to sugar and salt to squash my sensitivity or feelings.”
  • “My nighttime binges on sweets. I can’t control the craving for dessert after dinner.”
  • “Too much sugar, not enough vegetables. I want to eat better. But 3D work has me challenged.”
  • “Addictions. I worry about many things, then I start to eat harmful substances.”
  • “Grazing at odd times of the day and night.”
  • “I still crave sugar, and don’t always have organic foods accessible.”
  • “I need to eat potatoes and complex carbs to feel calm and sleep well.”
  • “Doing the work to prepare natural organic meals and snacks.”
  • “I need to eat something with low vibration to cope with people at work.”
  • “Lack of finances, lack of proximity to quality foods. Depression can make me reach for the odd processed item.”
  • “The foods I am able to afford have a lot of unsavory ingredients.”
  • “Food intolerances, reactions to GMO, pesticides. My body is sensitive. I feel the energy of everything, have trouble separating my energy from that of others.”
  • “I manage to stop emotional eating for a long period of time, and lose weight, look better, think better, feel better. Then something happens, and I start all the bad habits again.”
These are issues that millions are facing. And our sensitivities are only increasing as we develop our Light Body.

It doesn't help that we Boomers were raised on sugar, fast food, and a sedentary lifestyle!

Coming out of that narrow, unhealthy pattern takes transforming how you feel about food and eating, and how you feel about your body—how it handles food, stress, emotional shifts.

You might wonder if it's possible to be slim and healthy consistently -- I've had that feeling at different times -- without the ups and downs of yo-yo dieting, and deprivation, and criticizing yourself every day.

If dieting and working out were the whole answer -- with the weight never coming back on -- we would all know it by now!

Let’s go a little deeper. We know the Universe is made of energy, not appearances.

Like the Universe, you are a bundle of beautiful higher energy. Every challenge in your life is an energetic one.

You can find today's video on Releasing Subconscious Blocks to Health & Slimness on the Abundance Group FB page, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/IbSUfBgTuu4.

In this video, the Collective talk about releasing the fears and self-protection that keep extra weight on.

That self-protection is nearly all subconscious. It's buried deep.

It's related to the emotional defenses that have us using food to stay calm under stress—the same stress that convinces our brain we’re in danger—and therefore need more outer layers of protection.

Our subconscious controls 95% of our life. So we start with admitting how powerful it is, and start our inner healing from there.

I’ve posted the 2nd video on the Abundance Group Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/233439920473750/ (your good health is a big part of your Abundance!), and also on YouTube.

And please do join The Abundance Group FB page, if you'd like -- we have fun there!

Science has shown that things change when we shift our inner perspective on them. Many have dropped weight just from tapping, for example, without changing their diet.

But what if your subconscious stops you from tapping, because it thinks you're safer with extra weight on your body?

What if it stops you from sending your body the message that you love and accept it at any weight—something that people have also found very helpful for releasing weight.

Let’s lay the groundwork, letting our inner self know that they're always safe, so that the sabotage of self-protection and feelings of smallness or unworthiness don't undermine our intentions.

Please do leave your comments or questions under the second video, on the Abundance Group Facebook page or on YouTube.

Tell me what you found helpful, if anything.

Below you’ll also find an excerpt from their new ebook on that subject: Joyful Healthy Eating.

In their next video, the Collective will speak on the third big area you replied to in the survey: Relationships. (A tall mountain to climb some days!)

You count—you matter. And we Love you no end.

Huge blessings, my friend!


A Message to Lightworkers -
October 28, 2019
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective . . .

An excerpt from the Collective's new eBook, Joyful Healthy Eating: The Collective Speak on Enjoying Food and Allowing Health and Slimness:

From Chapter 1: The Sugar Matrix

Food and eating can present a great challenge in modern life. In the developed countries, those who have the money to buy their own food needn’t grow crops or livestock. You simply go to your favorite grocery store and buy at least the basics of what you need.

This amazing ease of availability has created other challenges.

Anyone wanting to eat healthfully, drop unneeded weight, and end food addictions, will find themselves swimming against the current—against a whole platform that has been carefully created to engage you in illness, exhaustion, and being overweight for most of your life.

This program beings in infancy.

So that unless your energies are lined up so as to very efficiently flow with a much higher energetic current, leading you to an empowered experience of healthy living and inner balance, you will feel lost and misdirected many days, no matter what experts you listen to.

Most people have not yet tapped into that higher current. The “weight loss” programs—the deprivation diets, mind-over-matter strictness, and increased exercise—are built on the opposite of what anyone seeking change really needs.

Rather than being built on a platform of self-Love and desire for inner healing, they are based on an ongoing program of self-criticisms—and that is never enough.

Not enough to ensure ongoing wellness and slimness, and not enough to lead you to experience Peace of mind and calm as you enjoy the food that is right for you, and as your body relaxes into its perfect weight.

You are aware that everyone's needs are different. Nutritional advice that is perfect for some can never fit everyone’s needs.

The many traps and forms of mental programming that you were born into are enough to keep anyone confused, angry, disempowered, and at least partly ill or impaired nearly all the time.

This is why we do not scold, do not get “strict” with those who desire or badly need to change not only what they eat, but how and why and when they eat.

Because considering the world you were born into, to know how to eat as healthfully as possible is one of the very great challenges most people experience.

Many experts want to guide you through the maze of modern eating. Yet your own higher self, who speaks within you as your intuition, is the wisest possible guide.

The one you have chosen to assist you in choosing the highest path to answer to your individual needs and desires.

One of the great challenges is that you have been strictly trained against listening to your intuition and following it. Because of this, it can take real courage some days to heed what your intuition is saying.

Not only because the logical mind has been lauded as the only inner voice worth listening to, but because your subconscious mind has received strict programming right from the start of life to ignore your intuition.

Intuition has long been considered an untrustworthy, shadowy aspect of human life, because it is powerfully connected to the heart. And the heart, you have been told, is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” as one religion puts it . . .

READ MORE: https://carolineoceanaryan.com/2019/10/28/a-message-to-lightworkers-october-28-2019/

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