Sep 13, 2019

♻️ ~ Vestforbrænding må sende plast på deponi (dknyt) ~ | Blogger: [ANOTHER SCAM] .. Denmark's largest waste management and energy company cannot document promise of 75% from recycling of household plastic. Not even 31% - perhaps 0%?. Vestforbraending should have been outsourcing plastic waste to foreign companies and pass it on for recycling, but instead has been placed inside storage facilities or send to Germany, Sweden and they, sent it to China, Malaysia... 🔺PS: After China banned the import of plastic in 2017, Malaysia began buying discarded plastic from China's former exporters, including the US, UK, and Australia. Illegal recycling factories in Jenjarom quickly seized the opportunity to get rid of the waste, with many of them either burying or burning scraps.. So even from 2017, before the ban was enacted, which was in March 2018, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, other countries that were kind of on those trade routes started accepting, or companies within them started accepting these plastics. And rapidly, those countries got overwhel- med with the quantities and the state of those plastics and just simply ran out of the capacity or desire to actually recycle them. So there's a lot of civil opposition to these plastics. And quite soon after - like, towards the end of last year - end of 2018 and through the first half of this year, these countries successively announced bans on importing plastic from Western countries - and even going to the extent that Malaysia announced in June that it was going to start shipping these wastes back. It said it was going to - it had eight containers of plastics that were going to be shipped back to the U.S., Australia - wherever they had come from - as a way to say, we do not want to be your dumping ground. Keep your recycling at home... |

Interview: Ikke engang 31 procent genanvendelse kan Vestforbrænding dokumentere

Efter sommerens afsløringer om at Vestforbrænding har givet forkerte tal om genanvendelsen af husholdningsplast, står det nu klart, at affaldsselskabet kommer til at deponere indsamlet plast i et deponi, fordi der efter nytår ingen aftager står klar til sortering og genanvendelse, skriver Ingeniøren.

I flere år lovede affaldsselskabet, at mindst 75 pct. af plastaffaldet blev genanvendt, men der var ingen dokumentation for, at plastaffaldet reelt bliver til nye produkter. Aftagernes oplysninger om genanvendelsesprocenter holder ikke i virkeligheden, og Vestforbrænding valgte i juli at annullere det udbud, der skulle sikre sorteringen af københavnernes plast efter 31. december i år, hvor kontrakten med det tyske sorteringsanlæg Alba udløber.

Den danske transportvirksomhed HCS havde ellers allerede i juni undet plastudbuddet, og planen var, at et svensk sorteringsanlæg med navnet Swerec skulle sortere plastaffaldet og sende det videre til genanvendelse fra det nye år. Men den plan er nu afblæst. Peter Basland, som er direktør i Vestforbrænding, vurderer, at selskabet først vil finde en ny aftager til plasten 'en gang i det nye år', så noget af plasten skal mellemlagres i en periode.

Læs hele historien i Ingeniøren

Staggering photos show one small town covered in 19,000 tons of plastic waste
'Waste' Examines The Global And Local Afterlife of Recyclables
Vestforbraending - Denmark's largest waste management and energy company

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