Sep 4, 2019

👼 ~ 💗 September 2019 Energy Update: Authentic Power Paradigm Shift (LeeHarrisEnergy) 💕 ~ | .. Several big themes came up in the September Energy Update: GRIEF leading into transformation and POWER - the integration of power, the healing around power and new levels of power hitting you in your life. Also, HEART RESONANCE and HEART ENERGY are going to be our lighthouses this month .. |

Lee Harris has monthly forecasts via 15-minute intensive videos and he works with energies that are truly rewarding and very real bids on how we are influenced by the energy fields and energy streams that exist everywhere in nature and around us. Lee Harris describes the current situations that all people and children should relate to and how we restore the balance.

Personally i think his mindfulness of things is a uplifting experience and actually, very appealing. Will also say, Lee Harris, is at an awareness level I also share, many things he tells us are pretty much many of the topics I describe on my blog...

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