May 13, 2019

OOM2 | ~ IS “COBRA” NEW AGE FRAUDSTER & CON ARTIST CHANGING SIDES (??) ~ | Blogger: [🕊️Before you literally terminate verdensalt, pls don't shoot the messenger. My job is not to get anybody upset☮️] ... {separating chicks from their mother}... I (verdensalt) have ONE goal. Only 1. Pursuing THE Truth (destroying the Facade)... COBRA (codename for compression breakthrough) extends global (so does support groups)... I will NOT be the good/bad cop about this Mr. C topic (right now). I will only say one thing, i'll have been part of the Core group and knows (to some extent) what's going on (behind the scene) and it's not 'always' pleasant (our leaders daily ups and downs and mood swings)... 💭Rumour has it, Mr. C's new spouse is called 'Mimi' - an american woman (i do know her last name) and (rumors goes) Mimi, is manipulating Mr. C (Black Witch or Good Hearted Angel?) after Isis Astara. After Cobra's announcement that he will join The Resistance Movement bases in cities in the inner Earth, she looked very surprised in her face, when he told her, on (one of) latest conferences in Buda 2019, she was the new lead anchor of his organization (only rumors, I did NOT attended therefore, has not signed a non-disclosure agreement). I heard Cobra told me/us in Brazil, that The Pleiadians was taken over. Anywho, to 'protect' verdensalt own (former) spouse, from Mr. C's organization, I have signed off IoL (Island of Light), there were some major conflicts within the support group (and a 'guy' from a known Wall Street bank) wish us to 'buy' or 'donate' (A) hotel (censured) with €3 million. I know for a fact, that Mr. C's earnings in Brazil conference (must) have been near €1 million, same goes for the 3 conferences in April and May of 2019... 💬 Folks! - I've told you before, WHEN, there's money involved changing hands and incredible many secrets etc. etc. AND on a personally note, I don't have a clue, where all my course fees goes too, i'm out of here!... AND don't get me WRONG! I still feel that Mr. C has some awesome (intel) and revelations, that resonate with me deeply, but when it (looks) like a CULT, or religious SECT, with money changing hands and SECRETS, i'm out. AND it really is saddening, because i (properly) lost friends... 🤔Soooo... It's a grey area and the awakening process is harsh, and sometimes it's really impossible to decipher who's good or bad, when the Red Angel appear in front of your eyes or seeing the "real" Gangsta walking down the street, before you meet the person and feel their energy... READ MORE...|


There's a saying; "Sometimes you have to go through darkness to get to the light.". 

As i told you many times before i am truly sorry, but verdensalt 'cannot' always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!💞. 

Verdensalt do NOT promote ANY kind of dark magic on this blog or in my avatar life (on the contrary), but you should know, it exist! 

Yes on our beloved GAIA, a invisible 3-D Matrix-grid of illusion, surrounds us, and if nobody is talking about it, how can we penetrate or navigate through manipulations, deception and separation, in order, to find the TRUTH?... 

'The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist'... 

Your mission John/Jane Doe, should you choose/decide to accept it, is "always" to use your own spiritual discernment and better judgement, but you cannot judge, dissect or being asperger naive trusting fool, until you become highly aware, awakened and enlightened being. 

Peeling the layers of the Onion of fears, get rid of the Guru syndrome and TRUST, you're infinite, divine and unconditional loving 'soul' copy of your higher self. It's about your "experience" in LIFE

Example: like buying a House -- 

1️⃣ Drive by. First impressions shouldn't be underestimated, but don't fall for the sells pitch... 

2️⃣ Always be prepared. Make a list of all the things that are important and trust your inner feeling, alarms and don't get carried away by others... 

3️⃣ Take a friend with you or consult other friends... 

4️⃣ Lastly and my own golden rule: follow the money. If you spent a million bucks on a crappy deal, do not engage... 

Matthew’s Message: 
"..The Illuminati, now commonly called the Deep State, are resisting accepting that their efforts to retain their influence in your world are utterly futile. And, without knowing that the light’s unparalleled power is exposing and banishing darkness, the peoples are responding to light’s high vibrations by insisting upon justness and equality. What you are seeing is a civilization bringing to an end its ages-long trauma so healing can come..."



By: Bradley Loves


Cobra is a New Age blogger and advocate of something called: THE EVENT – and has started posting some very strange things on his blog site recently located here:

One of the strangest “turns” that he has made in the recent past are his posts that are openly ADVOCATING FREEMASONRY!

Not only is he now posting the life histories of many Freemasons from the past, and listing their achievements…, he is also starting to list their peers and contemporaries – many of whom were FULL BLOWN MAGICIANS!

Just like many of the Globalists, COBRA is a huge advocate of the FEMININE ENERGY becoming anchored here on the Earth.

Now, I see nothing wrong with the Divine Feminine…, don’t get me wrong…, just as long as it is totally and completely BALANCED with the Divine Masculine!

There were some really horrible, horrible times in the past where men were treated incredibly badly by WOMEN who used to rule as MATRIARCHS over the entire Earth.

These women used Sorcery and Witchcraft to keep the men around them in line and submissive and subservient!

The “idea” that we “must” move backward in time to the days when everyone WORSHIPPED THE GODDESS ENERGY has the fingerprints of the Illuminati and the Globalists all over it!

This is the same crap that George Soros seems to be pushing with all of his countless NGO’s when they talk about TOXIC MASCULINITY – and the need to get rid of all OLD WHITE MEN.

If you don’t believe me.., just have a look at the recent Women’s Marches here in America!

These images are basically “women” who are demanding to be allowed to take over the WORLD, and to shift (those useless men) off to the sidelines where they belong!

For those of you who think that WOMEN IN POWER can’t be just as HORRIBLE, just as EVIL, and just as DISCRIMINATORY as men can be if “they” were suddenly running EVERYTHING…, then you are sadly deluding yourself!

Think NANCY PELOSI & DIANE FEINSTEIN – (and other criminals) who believe that lying to the American people every single day is a “good thing”!

Also, take a good look at what Angela Merkel has done to literally “destroy” the German society with her rampant immigration of Muslims that is in the MILLIONS – or what THERESA MAY has done to “screw” GREAT BRITAIN out of it’s legally voted for BREXIT!

These are “women” “IN POWER”.., and they are literally f*cking the commoners just as much – IF NOT MORE – than their male predecessors!

Here are some bits and pieces of COBRA’S latest post:

READ MORE>> & Thanks to OOM2 lovetruthsite

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