May 29, 2019

NN | ~ Wikipedia co-founder: “Wikipedia is broken,” run by bad actors and special interests to smear all voices of dissent ~ | Blogger: PS: VI kender alle til Marcus Knuth, der kort før Løkke udskrev valget, forsvandt kritisk detalje om ham som V-politiker fra Wikipedia, der ifølge hamselv, er en ukendt 'ung mandlig ny kampagnemedarbejder' som han forsøger, at dække over... Kirsten-birgit og Amir har jo utallige gange forsøgt at få en ordlyd omkring den menneskelige politiker Marcus Knuth om hans redigerede Wikipedia-side, men ahns mund, er lukket med syv segl, ligesom hos socialdemokraterne partitop. På Wikipedia skal man jo godkende ændringer mange gange, så det var ingen FEJL, at kritiske informationer forsvandt, så som han holdt donationer hemmelige og andre ting... |

Mike Adams
Wikipedia has become so overrun with pharma-controlled "bad actors" and disinformation agents that the online encyclopedia's own co-founder has come out and blasted it as being "broken."
New message

Wikipedia is now run entirely by Monsanto, Big Pharma and the vaccine industry, and it has been weaponized to slander and smear anyone who questions official narratives.
Like all the tech giants, Wikipedia is now nothing more than a giant smear machine, parading around as "facts."

Courageous journalist Sharyl Attkisson exposes the full details in today's feature story.

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